Manucriative's Request: Fluffy when they're petted by Y/N

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Y/N: Hey silver where's Blue??

Silver: Well, Blue is over th-, where did Y/N go?

Y/N: [Pets Blue]

Blue: [Becomes Fluffy]

Blue again: [Purrs] More Pets!!

Y/N: [Runs towards Green]

Green: What is that sou-

Y/N: [Petting Green]

Green: [Becomes Fluffy]

Green again: Thank you..? [purrs]

Y/N: [Runs towards Orange]

Orange: FOO-

Y/N: [Gives food]

Orange: [Munching on the food]

Y/N: [Pets Orange]

Orange: [Gets puffy & Fluffy, Purrs]

Y/N again: [Pets PURPLE who was trying to grab them]

Purple: Noooo-, I'm too fluffy-, I actually kinda enjoy this so [Purrs]

Y/N: Red..?

Red: What?

Y/N: Can I pet you??, Pretty please?

Red again: Okay then

Y/N: [Pets Red]

Red: I see.. [Purrs]

Silver: Why is everybody purri-

Silver again: aww, that's so cute..

Note:[They're all purring while being pet, the ❤️Cuddle❤️ Friends]

(Just In case you wanted a story-)

You walked through the Rainbow Friends play place with your friend Silver, Silver explained "They're dangerous monsters, so you should be careful when near them." You felt like she was lying, because.. come on?, 'Monsters' roaming around?, Oh please. We aren't in a horror movie!, You and Silver both stumbled upon Blue, Silver was too busy trying to explain to you that you shouldn't go near Blue because he's dangerous, and he might bite you or even ki// you. You rolled your eyes at her before walking towards Blue.. You pet Blue just as he looked at you, Blue's fur seemed to get fluffier as you messed his fur up. Blue just purred and hugged you, you ran towards Green next.. Green started to feel around for whatever was causing the running noise, you arrived near Green and you pet him. Green seemed to like the feeling of your hand moving through his soft fur, Green also became fluffier just like Blue.. Orange was going to be your next target!, You heard Orange on the other side of the door so you just ran towards him, Blue & Green followed closely behind you as you gave Orange food. Orange ate from the bowl of kebbles you gave him not even bothering to stop you from petting him, you were now petting Orange as he too became fluffier.. Orange finished his food before realising you were petting him, he started to purr just as his friends did earlier.. You heard Purple crawling to the vent near you, so you made it your mission to find him wherever he really was.. you didn't even have to get up to find him, how convenient!, This was because he tried to grab you before you even got up, you crawled towards him and pet him on the head.. Purple got fluffier than his 3 friends did, Purple purred and leaned into your touch. You felt your heart warm up because of how cute they all looked you pet the 4 Rainbow friends you found before setting out to look for Red as well, Red walked through the door and you spoke for the first time since earlier, "Red..?" Red replied with "What?", You told him "Can i pet you??, pretty please?", Red Replied with "I see, Okay then.. Pet me." You pet Red, just to find out he also had a bit of fur, his fur was less fluffier than the other 4.. but it was still comfortable to the touch!, Red seemed to also let out a slight purr. You started to pet all the Rainbow Friends before your friend Silver found you sitting down petting them all, Silver spoke out loud "Why is everyone purri-", then she followed with "Aww, that's so cute..", you are now surrounded with all 5 of the Rainbow friends purring, with all that fluff.

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