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Niro always felt he had something special,a gift or maybe a different perspective than the rest of the world. Perhaps they were his delusions or perhaps his childhood spark.

A normal young lad with 26 teeths. Short hair just how his mom liked, that were oversaturated with oil.
The way he looked never bothered him because he was relatively good in studies, which got him his fair share of validation a boy would need.

The best type of affirmation is the one for which u didn't work for!

Niro never really liked socializing unless he had too because it would make him feel sad as wasn't allowed to stay out for long. Still he had alot of friends💕.

To him he was the perfect boy-
•He didn't cuss
•He was nice to his parents
•He had good grades
•He had alot of friends
•HE WAS HAPPY. wasn't he?

Still Niro was quite the shallow person, he would reassure himself that all the times he said "I am busy,I can't come" was for his future and his determination.
Truth be told it was all so that he could hide is antisocial and narcissistic self.

A person in this modern age doesn't lie to save himself.
He lies to avoid hurt and suffering
For the people he loves and for himself!

So when everything was so perfect why was Niro feeling such emptiness.

"Where is the flaw in my perfect system of dealing with people and life?"

"Where is the flaw in my perfect system of dealing with people and life?"

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Thank you for reading💕

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