Chapter 1

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The lights of the hospital flickered, and a rumble shook the building. I jumped as a clipboard on the wall fell to the ground. The building shook again, trays of metal utensils teetering on the edge of a table. Then the lights died, and the alarms went off, its high-pitched siren blared as red swept the hallway. I winced, covering my ears to dampen the noise. It helped little. Doctors, nurses, and patients alike all stepped to their windows and into the halls to see the commotion. Then the overhead speaker went off.

"Code Grey. Code Grey. This is not a drill. Code Grey," the monotone voice spoke.

An earthquake? Such events were unheard of in Green Hills. The building shook again. Well, there's a first for everything, I guess. People panicked as they all tried to think back to their school years when we had done earthquake drills, but no one ever took it seriously. But until now, it wasn't an issue.

My chest clenched as people stumbled past me in the hall. I stood there in shock, unsure of what to do. The wave of people split in front of me, revealing a small child in tears. My legs instantly regained their mobility, and I made for the child, sweeping them up in my arms. The child locked their arms around my neck tightly, their crying somewhat subsiding.

I tried walking with the grain of the panicked people. The elevators were out of order and subsequently; they jammed the stairs. I looked around for an empty room to hide in until everything passed. Finally, finding an unused patient's room, I quickly slipped in, closing the door behind us. The frantic shouting dulled slightly, but the noise of the alarms was still ear-piercing. I set the child down on the ground and turned to the cabinets, opening and closing many in a rush to find earplugs. Finally, I found a pair and cheered to myself quietly.

Suddenly, there was another rumble and after that, there was a bright green flash from behind me and in the reflection of the black tv, I saw two figures. I turned around quickly, going to the whimpering child.

"Who's there?" I demanded.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Two male voices shouted from behind the curtain.

"Wh-what happened to you?" one began panicking.

"What happened to you? You look ridiculous!"

The two ignored me and began bickering. I patted the child gently, gesturing for them to stay put and slowly, I began stepping towards the curtain. I took a hold of the white fabric with the two silhouettes and quickly yanked it back.

One of the men screamed, and I quickly joined him upon what i saw. The man with blue hair quickly pulled the cover off the hospital bed and covered himself. The other man with black hair and red highlights simply crossed his arms and stood silently, unbothered. "DONT YOU KNOW WHAT KNOCKING IS?" the blue-haired man shouted. He then glanced at the other man and quickly covered him as well with the same sheet.

"Oh, my gods... OH, MY GODS, I'M SO SORRY!" I shouted, then pulled the curtain back over them, looking away even though they were hidden from view. "Hold on a minute–WHAT THE FUCK? Are you two insane? Don't you know what's going on? And why are you naked? Now's not the time for fooling around!"

"Huh?" The blue-haired man poked his head out from behind the curtain and looked at me. "What do you mean? What's happening?" he asked genuinely.

I gave him a dumbfounded look, which quickly fell when the building shook again. "Obviously, there's an earthquake, you idiot!" I snapped.

The other man let out a halfhearted chuckle. "I told you, you were an idiot."

The blue-haired man growled in annoyance. "shut-up shadow"

What an odd name. "Anyway!" I interjected when i heard Shadow retort, but I suddenly was reminded of the child who had been silent until they had tugged on my shirt. Oh, my gods– I knelt down to pick them and‌ I carried them to the chair in the corner. I took out the earplugs and smiled at them. "For to make the loud noises stop," i told them and plugged their red-tinted ears. "Put your clothes back on! There's a child in here!" I shouted at the men who resumed bickering. I pulled out my phone and handed it to the child to let them play with it. There was a long silence. "Hello?" I called back in annoyance.

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