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The smell of grease lingered in the Quinn/McCool household.

The teens had ordered chippy and came home to study for there exam finals, as the Quinn parents, Sarah & Joe weren't home

"Ach, I actually give up" Erin scoffs, shoving chips into her gob.

James looks at the food, a look of disgust on his face.

"James? You don't like a chippy?" Val asks.


"Don't your remember? Ball-ache over hear got us banned from Fionnulas! So now we all have to eat this soggy new chippy" Michelle barks, throwing a chip across the table at James.

"ACTUALLY, Michelle , you got yourself banned. You raided the woman's alcohol cabinet, went crazy on it, set the house on fire, and blamed it on a scented candle?!? Who's the actually ball-ache?!"
James snaps back.

"James? What's gotten into you?" Clare gasps.

"Nothing!! I'm sick of her blaming me on stuff I didn't do!!"

"Ach guys, exams are Wednesday and I haven't studyed AT ALL!!" Val whines, "plus this new chippy isnt that bad, I've had worse."  Val tries to defuse the conversation.

"No! Dicko just can't be normal!! First he has an annoying ass accent, and then you have an annoying ass personality!!" Michelle screams.

"PISS OFF!" he screams, walking out the door.

"James!" Val shouts at him, hoping he'll return. He doesn't, so she walks out after him.

Val stand outside her front door, looking for James.

"Jamey Jame Jame JAMESS"
"Jamessss mcguireee?!"

Val eventually find him sitting at the field near the Quinn home.

"James? Oh my sweet Jesus, I've been looking everywhere for you! I was so worried!"

"I'm sorry..." He sniffs.

"Listen, Michelle can be a bit much I know, but shes just under alot of pressure right now! We all are! Listen James, if your ever stressed  or anything I'm always here to talk, you know that I a-"

He cuts her off by sweeping her into a big hug.
"Thank you." James sniffs again.

Val goes bright red in the face," uh yeah always!"

"Let's go back?"

"I'd actually like to stay here, you know for a bit, to watch the sun set in a while. Your more than welcome to stay." James gestures.

"I'd love nothing more."

Sorry for short chapter! I thought it would be cute like this!!!! Anyway I hope my 4 viewers enjoy hahaha <3

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