chp 7 dance.

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James wakes up to see Val soundly asleep beside him. Just her presence makes him feel more comfortable.

Val then weakly opens her eyes, slowly sits up and stretches.

"Oh! You scared me James!" Val chuckles.


"It's grand. Did you sleep ok?"

"Eh yeah I did. Are you feeling any better?" James questions.

"Much better" Val smiles.

They are interrupted by Orla unzipping the tent.

"Hey you twooo~~~. Val, granda says we're going adventuring. There's a town near  by! Hurry up and get dressed " Orla chirps.

The two get dressed.

Val's outfit:

Val's outfit:

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Time skip....

They had been walking for about 30 minutes  before they reached what looked like a shopping centre.

"Oh my god mammy! Please let us go innnn!!!" Val begged her mother.

"Fine. Your father and I will be in the coffee shop. Meet back here in 2 hours."

They all run off into the shopping centre.

"I haven't eaten proper food in DAYS!!" Val sulks.

"I know, I'm starving." James moans.

"Oh my holy Mary...James look!" Val points towards a subway.

"OH MY GOD!!!" the two run towards it.

Val digs around in her purse to find £10.

"I'll pay this time. What do u want?"
Val asks.

"Oh no it's fine, I'll pay." James takes out his wallet.

"I'll pay."
"I'll pay."
"It's no big deal."
"I don't mind."
"I WANT to do it."
"I NEED to do it."

They finally come to an agreement and just split it.

Val orders one pizza sub for her, And James makes a custom one.(with nearly everything on it 😭)

The two happily walk off with their sandwiches. Val nibbles to make the most of it , while James just shoves it in his mouth.

They look around a few random shops, before finding the others.

"Oh hey guys!" Clare waves at the two.

"Ay! You two guess what!! ORLA HERE forgot to tell us about a school dance!! Next week!!!! So Erin spoke to your ma and she gave us money for dresses !!!" Michelle squeals.

Val jumps up and down in excitement.

All of them run in to what looks like a dress shop. And James just follows behind.

Michelle tries on a few dresses.
"Do my boobs look big in this?" Michelle asks.
"Aye! You look cracker!" Orla responded.

"Guys...I don't know about this one.." Val calls out from the dressing room.

" Just come out!" I bet you look great."
Clare cheers her on.

Val walks out in a gorgeous, mid-length shiny blue dress .

"Wowww! That looks great." Erin claps .
" Actually Val, you don't look horrible." Michelle told her.

"Woah. You look.... Amazing." James looks at her.

"So it's settled !! I'll get this!!"

Erin got a silver dress, in hopes to impress John-Paul.

Clare got a turquoise one .

Orla didn't get one because she apparently had a 'cracker' dress at home.

Michelle got the red one that 'made her girls look huge.'

Valerie bought the blue one.

*🕜 Skippp*

They all met up with the Quinn's after that.

The teens then walk behind the adults, on there way to the site.

"I actually LOVE the poster I got!!!" It's a Blur one!! And I also got a Bowie one!" Val chirps.

"I really like the dress u got Valerie. It's pretty." James smiles.

"Yeah me too!" Clare chimes in.

"Thank you guys. Yours was beautiful too Clare. You look class in it."

Clare goes red and smiles.

"Yeh, I LOVE mine. My boobs look HUGE!!" Michelle boasts.

"That's lovely." Erin sarcasticly laughs.

The teens all go ahead while James and Val walk behind the rest.

"ERM James, I got you something."

"REALLY? Oh you didn't have to really. CAN I SEE IT?" He stops in his tracks and waves his arms excitedly.

"Hmmm. When we get to the site, I'll give it to you." Val smiles.

"Awww! Okk! Thank you so much though!" He hugs her tightly as she giggles.

"OH MY GOD! WE'RE AT THE SITE!!! can I have it now pleaseee Valerieeeeee." James tries puppy dog eyes.

"For god's sake James." Val rolls her eyes, but eventually gives in.

The two walk over to the rock.

"It's not much but I saw it and thought of you."

Val moves her hand around in her bag before pulling out a little paper bag.

He carefully takes it out of the bag, trying not to damage whatever is the contents.

As soon as James saw what was inside his face lit up.


It was a Doctor Who poster.

"It's all I could afford ahaha, I thought you could hang it in your room." Val smiles.

"I love it! Thank you so much!!" He tightly hugs her yet again.

When he breaks from the hug he gives her a soft kiss on her forehead.

Val goes all red.

"Thank you Valerie. I love it so much!"

If anyone has any suggestions please comment on this sector and let me know!

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