chp5- camping

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"VALERIE, ERIN AND ORLAAAAAA!! UP UP UP!!!" Mary thundered up the stairs.

Val wakes up. And immediately yawns. Covering her eyes for a few seconds.

She then sits up and puts on her Crocs.

"Aye mammy, that's a lovely colour on you" Orla says scanning her mother's outfit.

"Aye thank you love! I got it in the shop down by the beach, fancy!" Sarah replies.

"Ach, Sarah, we're going camping! Not a modeling gig!!" Mary rolls her eyes.

"Morning mammy." Val yawns.

"Morning love, there's toast on the table, we need to pick up the paste!"

Val hurriedly eats her toast before running upstairs.
She washes her face, brushes her teeth and moisturizes her face.

She then puts on a David Bowie shirt and flared jeans, with a light flannel shirt over it. She then brushes her hair before braiding it in two.

The ties her shoelaces, and makes sure to put her special plush in the bag.

She puts her watch on , grabs her backs and runs downstairs.

"Ah grand we're ready! Valerie,James,Orla and Clare, your with Joe today. We can't have a repeat of last time. Michelle and Erin your with me and Gerry."

James smiles widely and Val and she smiles back.

"Hey Valerie."
"Hi James ! How are you?"
"Good! Excited!"

"motherfukasss! Guess what? You better have brought bathing suits!" Michelle smiles.

"Oh shit I forgot" James facepalms.

"Just use ur boxers, no big deal." Erin

Time skip.

"James? You look pale. Are you okay?" Val cups her hand against the boys forehead.

"You better not be! Clare says. "I can't take sickness! I'm weakkk!"

"Uh yeah, I just get nauseous on car rides."

Val pulls a flask of water out of her bag.

"Here, ice cold." She hands it to him.

"You can't!" Clare exclaims.

"Why?" James asks.

"Well, your mouth has touched it Val. That's highly unsanitary!!"

James gulps from the bottle anyway before handing it back to Val.

"Ewww!!!" Clare whines.

"Your such a wuss!"

"Time skip"

They finished setting up tents.

There's 5 tents, 6 teenagers and 4.

"The boy has to sleep outside! I wont have any shenanigans!!" Joe roars.

"Ah da it's grand! The wee lads gay!" Sarah chirps.

'For the last time MsMcCool, I'm NOT gay!! I'm a very heterosexual man."

"More like a very homosexual ball-ache" Michelle murmurs.

"So, Clare, James and Valerie in a tent, Orla, Erin and Michelle in another, me & Sarah in one, and Dad and Gerry In another" Mary says.

Joe swears a few times and then walks away.

"It's getting late, why don't we head to bed" Mary suggests.

*Time skip*

"James" Val whispers.
"Yes Valerie"
"I can't sleep"
" Me neither, I have an idea"
James swoops Val up and they both quietly wake up Clare, then the girls.

"It's three in the morning for Jesus sake, what do you want?!" Erin yawns.

"We should go star gazing!" James exclaims excitedly.

They all agree and walk towards the beach.

While the others are laughing and telling jokes, Valerie and James spot a rock around them on the beach, they go to sit on it.

They look up at the stairs.

"Wow, they're really beautiful."
"Yeah," James agrees.

The two make eye contact for a minute, before James leans in and the two lips touch.

Val pulls away before looking at James.

"James i-"
"Valerie, I really like you. I just hope you-"

She kisses him again, but for longer. He rests his hand on her cheek.

They both pull away when Clare shouts over at them. "GUYS! I FOUND VAL'S POLAROID!! VAL PLEASE CAN WE TAKE SOME PHOTOS??"


Clare runs over and tells James and Valerie to pose.

James wraps his arm around Val and Val smiles.

They take a few more before going back to bed.

"Thank you James."

"No problem."

"Goodnight James"

"Goodnight Valerie"

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