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The walk back to the my house was painful to say the least. I tried to fight back after I had provoked the boys. Turns out, they were much stronger than they looked..

Both of my brothers were very worried when I came home all beaten up. Their worry went away when I told them I won the fight. It was a lie. I didn't win. I was completely overwhelmed.

I sadly couldn't stay long as I had to move into the dorm with bts. I'm a bit nervous. Knowing that Jungkook and the other members hate me is definitely intimidating.

I said goodbye to my brothers and told them to look after each other and not cause trouble before I made another painful trip to my new home.


Hesitantly, I knocked on the door three time before footsteps could be heard. The door unlocked and was opened.

"Korain-ah!" Jimin greeted. "Welcome! Come on in!" He said stepping out of way. I bowed before I half walked half limped in and took my shoes off.

There was an awkward silence before Jin ran to me and cupped my face in his hands.

"Oh my god! What happened? Are you okay?" I averted my eyes as I nodded. Jin took his hands away from my face and turned to Jimin. "Jimin-ah can you clean Korain up please?" Jimin nodded as he grabbed my arm leading me the bathroom.


Jimin grabs the first aid kit and pulls out everything that he needs to clean my face with. He inspects my face trying to work out what he should clean first.

"I'm going to remove your bandanna. I need to see if your forehead is bleeding or not." Jimin carefully reaches for the bandanna. His hand was inches away from touching it but before he could I moved my head away. Jimin gave me a concerned look. He tried to reach for it again but this time I gently smacked his hand away

After a few awkward moments, Jimin started to clean the cuts on my face. After he was done he put the first aid kit back where he got it from and left the bathroom. I followed soon after.


"Korain-ah you look much better!" Jin said as I entered the living room after Jimin. This caused everyone to look in my direction.

"How did you end up in a fight?" Jimin asked turning to me. Everyone was waiting for an answer but the longer I kept quiet the longer their gaze stayed on me which was very uncomfortable for me.

"Are you going to say anything?" Jungkook said with annoyance.

"Jeon Jungkook!" Jin said sternly.

"What?" Jungkook answered.

"Don't you think that was a bit rude?"

"I was asking question? What's wrong with that?"

"You didn't need to use that tone of voice."

"What tone of voice?!"

"That tone of voice!"

Jin continued to scold Jungkook and Jungkook continued to back talk. Tears had formed in my eyes and were threatening to fall. Jimin quickly took notice of my tears and stopped the two from arguing any further. Jin quickly calmed himself down.

"Now that you two are done arguing, there's something we need to sort out." Jimin stated. Everyone looked confused except for Jungkook who was still angry.

"What is it?" Hoseok said.

"Where is Korain going to sleep? We don't have a spare room. So someone will have to share."

"Oh, right." Namjoon said. "Jin Hyung and Yoongi Hyung are roommates so he can't join them it's the same with Taehyung and Jungkook. So that leaves, Me, Hoseok Hyung and Jimin." Namjoon continued.

"Good. I don't to share a room with him." Jungkook said.

"You will if you continue being rude to him." Jin warned.

Jungkook huffed.

"How do we decide who Korain will room with?" Hoseok asked.

"Paper scissors rock??" Yoongi suggested.

"Alright then, everyone ready?" Jimin said. Hoseok and Namjoon nodded.

"Okay ready? Paper, Scissors, Rock!" the three said together. All three of them did rock. "Paper, Scissors, Rock!" Jimin did scissors while Hoseok and Namjoon did rock.

"That settles it then. Korain will be rooming with Jimin. Are you okay with that?" Namjoon said turning to me. I nodded.  Jimin grabbed my arm and took me to his room.


"So this is my room that is now our room!" Jimin said excitedly. He opened the door and the first thing I noticed was there's two beds instead of one.

"Ah! We were told in advance that you would be moving in today, so we half decided on who you would room with. The whole Rock, Paper, Scissors thing was to confirm that decision in a fair way" He said noticing my gaze.

I sat down on the unoccupied bed opposite of Jimin's. Today was a rough day. I sighed

"Why did you get into a fight?" Jimin asked once again. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

"My brother.." I said quietly but Jimin still heard.

"Your brother?"

I nodded. "Did you fight with your brother?"

"No. I could never hit him."

"Who did you fight then?"

"His bullies."


"Yeah, bullies. My brother wasn't at the gate when I went to pick him up earlier today so I went looking for him. I heard some kids yelling and when to it was coming from. I saw my brother surrounded by 3 other boys and I instantly knew what was happening. I got angry and provoked the 3 boys which caused them to hit me." My voice was still quiet as I was ashamed of my actions.

"Did you fight back?" Jimin asked.

"I let them hit me."

"Why?" Jimin said with concern .

"I don't know how to fight." I chuckled.

'963 words'

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