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The dorm was quiet apart from the sound of rain hitting the windows. A rainstorm had unexpectedly struck on the first night of Korain's stay in the dorm. He was the first to fall asleep before the storm. The other members had gone to bed after the had started as they found the sound of rain calming.


Korain jolted awake breathing heavily, his heart racing. He looked around the room trying to get his breathing to calm. He saw it was still dark meaning it must be early in the morning. As he begins to calm, regaining his senses in the process, he heard rain that was still pounding heavily on the windows. Once again his heart began to race and his breath becomes heavy as memories of his past start to replay.

During this time, Korain's roommate Jimin woke up with a dry throat. Immediately he noticed that something was wrong with Korain as he was frozen in place muttering to himself. Completely forgetting about his dry throat, Jimin got out of his bed and made his way to Korain and sat in front of him on his bed.

"Korain-ah? Are you okay?" Jimin asked but received no response from the younger. Jimin didn't know what was happening but knew that Korain was distressed and needed to calm oute down. "Korain can you hear me? It's Jimin, you're going to be okay, what ever is happening it's okay, you're safe."

"Listen to my voice and breathe with me okay? Ready?" Jimin received a very subtle nod meaning that Korain was listening or at least trying too. "Okay let's take a big deep breath in." They both slowly breath in. "Alright now let's breathe out". They both slowly breathed out. They continued to that until Korain was calm enough and was now aware of his surroundings.

"Welcome back Korain-ah" Jimin said smiling. "Could you tell me what happened?" he said speaking softly. Korain was hesitant to answer, "It was a...um... panic attack?" he said with uncertainty.

"A panic attack?" Jimin questioned.

"Yeah. I get them a lot."

"Are they always that intense?"

"It depends on what triggers it." Korain sighed.

"If you don't mind me asking?, What triggers these panic attacks?" Jimin asked softly. Korain was unsure if he knew what triggered these 'panic attacks' let alone telling Jimin about them.

"I... don't know what triggers it..." he sighs. Jimin took a moment before he spoke again.

"Triggers? as in multiple?" he says with shock. Jimin didn't know Korain would have multiple triggers.


"How many?" Jimin asked because he knew he had to know what triggers these 'panic attacks' so he could help Korain with them. Korain couldn't him a straight answer as he didn't know how many triggers he has.

"Hyung like I said, I don't how many but I think rain might be one.."

"Oh, I don't think there's much we can do to prevent it triggering you, but I'm sure we will figure something out!"

"It's okay, you don't need to do anything." A moment of uncomfortable silence filled the room.

Jimin got up and walked over to the window. Korain was confused about Jimin's sudden move to the window. Jimin pulled the curtains open and looked outside. It was raining but not as heavily as before. He walked back to Korain and sat beside him.

"The rain is still coming down but not heavily. Are you able to fall asleep? Or do you need something?" Jimin asked softly.

"Um.. I think I'll be okay." Korain said smiling softly. Jimin went back to his bed feeling happy that Korain is okay.

"Good night Korain-ah."

"Good night Hyung." Silence filled the room one again, this time it was a comfortable silence. Korain had closed his eyes trying to sleep but couldn't as he was afraid of having the nightmare again. He looked over at Jimin who's back was facing him.

"Hyung? Are you still awake?"  Jimin turned over after hearing Korain voice.

"Yeah, are you having trouble falling asleep?"

"Yeah... If it's okay with you, can I um sleep with you?..." Jimin wasn't surprised Korain asked in fact Jimin had expected him to ask hence why he was still awake. "If you don't want me too then that's okay, I don't expect you to be okay with it since you've only met me today and having a stranger sleep in your bed is weird-" Jimin interrupts Korain's rambling, "Korain-ah come here! I don't mind." Jimin said opening his arms and moving backwards making room for Korain.

"Hyung are you sure?"

"Yes! Now hurry up before I change my mind." Jimin said jokingly. Korain quickly got out of bed and hopped into Jimin's arms, instantly Jimin wrapped his arms around him and pulled the blanket over them.

"Are you comfortable?" Jimin asked.


"That's good."

Jimin pulled Korain closer making sure he didn't fall off the bed. Soon after, Jimin heard soft snoring. Jimin thought Korain must have a hard time falling alseep as he fell asleep not long after being embraced, not that Jimin minded at all as he saw the peaceful look on his face as he slept. Soon Jimin felt his eyes getting heavy as his tiredness soon took over, not caring for his dry throat.


Korain slowly opened his eyes, groaning as the sun peaking through the curtains hits his face. Korain felt something gently rubbing his head.

"Good morning!" A very familiar voice behind him said. Korain turned over so he could see who the voice belonged to. He found it a bit difficult to over as the person had his arms wrapped around him.

"Did you manage to sleep well?" The voice belonged to Jimin. Korain remembers he had fallen asleep with Jimin embracing him. Korain suddenly got embarrassed and covered his face with his hands.

"Y-yeah, thank you Hyung.." He mumbles. Jimin chuckles, finding cute how embarrassed Korain suddenly became.

Jimin sits up in his bed, "Korain-ah, are you going to tell the others about your panic attacks?" Upon hearing Jimin's question, Korain froze for a moment. He was surprised by the sudden question and didn't know how to react.

Korain doesn't suffer from panic attacks, he used it as an excuse to avoid telling Jimin what he actually suffers from. He was worried that if he had told Jimin the truth. He would've told the others and they would've been extra nice to him. Korain knew if that happened then half of the members would've shown fake sympathy and kindness which he didn't want. He doesn't want to receive any sympathy as it would make it much harder for him to distance himself from the death of his parents.

"Korain? You don't have to to tell them if you don't want to. Though it would be nice to have the others knowing this information." Jimin softly spoke. Jimin's soft voice calmed Korain down just enough so he could hear himself think.

"Do you want me to tell them?" he asked with uncertainty.

"You can decide whether you tell them or not. I'm not going to force you."

"I know." Korain thought for a moment before deciding he would tell the others but in his own time. Jimin agreed telling him that it was a good choice and to not push himself before they were both called to come out and eat.


Throughout the day Korain kept to himself and occasionally chatted with Jimin which he asked if Korain had told the other members yet. Korain said "not yet" as he wasn't ready. Jimin said it's okay and to take as much time as he wants but he has to tell the others today. Korain agrees and Jimin leaves him alone not before making him promise to tell them.

Now that Korain was left alone, he wasn't sure what he was going to do with himself. He was laying on the floor in the living room looking at the ceiling. His eyes slowly felt heavy and eventually he let the sleep take over.

After an hour Namjoon and Taehyung walked into the living room and saw Korain fast asleep. They were both confused by why he was sleeping on the floor.

'1378 words'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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