Chapter 22

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xiao zhan looked at the person confusingly with a questionable look seeing that the person said " do you remember me?

" ah ! No " xiao zhan said

" haha oh umm 3 years ago you gave me an umbrella ", " leave it, HI , myself zhao yiqin "  zhao yiqin said and extend his hand towards him

" haha oh umm 3 years ago you gave me an umbrella ", " leave it, HI , myself zhao yiqin "  zhao yiqin said and extend his hand towards him

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Xiao Zhan smiled at him and shook his hand

Before zhao yiqin could say anything one guard called xiao zhan "  your friends are calling "

Xiao Zhan wave his hand and left.

Zhao yiqin sign but again. Smiled and said " finally I found you " saying that he went inside the venue


Xiao zhan went near his friends while looking at the whole venue with shiny eyes

Xiao zhan went near his friends while looking at the whole venue with shiny eyes

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" Woah it's beautiful, Jia qi said

" umm it's beautiful, " xiao Zhan said

And they took their places

" you know so many companies will be here today, ah my Xuan will also be coming too kaun ge and yi - " song jiyang about to say more but wang zhajin cut him " jiyang shh people are coming let's focus on that ok "

Song jiyang looked  at him in thought 'why he is behaving strangely today

His thoughts break by student's actions
Seven cars stops at the door of the venue they were sitting inside but could see outside because of the big door

from  five car bodyguards came out and took their position while  from the sixth car the CEOs and director of wang industry and cooperation wang haikaun CEO of wang cooperation wang James CEO of wang cooperation

and  from the seventh car  wang yibo CEO of wang industry, it was an epic moment for the first time in the event the three wangs are there together

Press, the media focus was on them, camera flash and camera click sound we're buzzing in the hall

Wangs took their place near zhaos table  where zhao yiqin and Zhao Qing which was arranged by management

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