Chapter 14

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The avengers had just moved back into the tower and were settling in when the first heard the news.

"THANOS IS BACK!" Hawkeye yelled as he ran into the main floor of Avenger's Tower where almost all the Avengers were.

This news caused everyone to freeze and gasp leading to questions of How!? When? What happened?! But Hawkeye didn't answer these questions, instead he added to the confusion even more.

"I also forgot to mention that he has all the kids," He managed to get out in the confusion.

Eventually all this chaos attracted the attention of Iron Man and Captain America, the team leaders.

"What is going on!?" Questioned Iron Man as he walked into the room.

"Barton here's gone crazy!" insisted Luke Cage.

"Why has he gone crazy?" Cap asked as he followed Tony.

"Because Clint is claiming that Thanos is back, and he's got the girls and the other kids," Jessica Drew aka Spider-Women stated.

Tony and Cap looked at each other wide idea and pushed through the crowd trying to get to Barton. It took a good 5 minutes of pushing before they were finally able to get to him.

"Clint what happened?" asked Tony as he and Cap lead him to a couch to sit on because frankly the archer was looking quite pale.

Hawkeye took in a few deep breaths before he spoke, "We went to the school like you said, me and Wanda, when we got there Logan actually answered the door and when we told he what was going on he laughed in our face. It turns out that Emma, Spencer, William, and David had been hiding out there for a week, but the night before we went there Spencer and William disappeared, Emma thought they went to go find Soren and Zoë. About 5 minutes after we saw Emma, Spencer and William appeared on the front lawn, but about 10 minutes after they did Thanos came, David first came running out of the house yelling the letter T and we didn't know what it meant. Then Thanos came, he landed right on the front lawn with so much force he created an earth quake! Everyone but Spencer was knocked down. After that Thanos used the Soal gem on us. He used it on Wanda and Logan, they lost their powers, they are still recovering. But he managed to knock all of us out, but by the time we woke up the girls and other kids were gone."

At the explaination the room burst into chaos once more.

In all this Chaos no one relized what has happening outside besides Clint.

"Um guys?" he stuttered. No one paid attention.

"GUYS!" he yelled causing everyone to freeze and look at him.

"Does anyone else see a mad titan with an infinity gauntlet attacking New York!?" he asked pointing out of the window at a floating Thanos.



Spencer's Pov.

I had another headache when I woke up next. When I opened my eyes this time the last thing I had seem was not the first thing to great me thankfully.

There was no Thanos in sight. Thank God.

I slowly stood up and took in my surroundings, as it turned out there were non. The entire landscape was white, it was like that scene in the final Harry Potter where he dies and Dumdoldore appears. Ya there was the fog and anything, but there was no train station or any noise or any Dumdoldore. The only diffence in landscape was that when I looked up at the sky instead of it being white and in a dome shape, it was flat and a purple and almost looked like a purple tinted mirror.

I looked up at the purple tinted mirror and every so often caught a glimpes of something that wasn't a reflextion but something that was on the other side of the mirror, But I couldn't tell what. Where was I?

I had just started to walk around when I got a hint of where I was, and it wasn't a suttle hint, it hit me like a bus.

I was walking when a sharp pain started to build up in my chest over my heart. At first is wasn't nothing, it felt like heart burn, then it got worse, it started to build up and build up until it became unbareable and caused me the scream.

The purple mirror lit up at my pain and glowed brighter and brighter the more the pain grew. It was then I got where I was.

I was in the Space Gem, or more like I was the space gem, I was the power ceil I think. Thanos was using my power when the heart burn started, the more he used my gem the more it hurt. Thanos had started his fight with the Avengers. The quick glimpses I was getting through the purple mirror was the portal he was opening over New York to let the Chitari come.

I looked around the inside of the gem trying to fine a way out. I wasn't a tool. I wouldn't ever be a tool. I wouldn't be used by this 'titan'.

I knew I could try and force myself out of this ceil, I just needed the focus and motive, sure save the Earth! That was REALLY good motivation but it didn't mean anything if I didn't do it.

So the next time the heartburn started I pushed it deeper inside me, not letting my powers to be used, I blocked off all access to my powers. I closed my eyes not focusing on anything else but getting out. I thought of the feel of grass and all the things I loved about Earth, I started to hear the cracking of glass.

It did throw my game off a little but it pushed me to focus more the think harder to break out of this prison.

The sound of cracking and braking glass grew louder and sunlight started to shine in, but not only light but noise, the noise of the fight going on outside which pushed me even harder.

Finally I hard Thanos yell, "No! It's not possible!!!" Then I was blinded by white light once more.

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