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We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided


3rd person pov.

"Put it down thanos!" Yelled captain america.

" Never captain! With this gauntlet I will rule the 9 realms and beyond!" thanos yelled raising the gauntlet and pointing it at the heroes now standing on the meteor.

"Not on our watch Thanos." the soldier replied getting down behind his shield, "avengers! attack!"

The heroes behind the living legend raced forward.

"You think you can bet me!" the Titan yelled, " charge my followers!" from behind the Titan an army of chitari and other alien races sprung forward attacking the heroes and protecting their leader.

The two fronts were locked in battle. neither side winning but both losing.

"No! I will not be defeated! by! mortals!!!!" thanos raged. he turned the soul gem pointing it at captain marvel who flew up Above.

Turning on the stone he started to suck the female hero successfully doing it. he turned the stone away pointing it at she hulk. soon she to was sucked in.

After having the two heroes successfully sucked in he turned it towards the human torch who was on fire and lighting up anything flammable.

Thanos put the stones power on him sucking him in. the still on fire torch tried to burn the stone only melting it a little and not able to get it off the gauntlet in time before he too was sucked in.

"Johnny!" yelled The invisible women before she was attacked by a chitari soldier.

Thanos smirked proud of his work. the 3 heroes may have not been the most powerful but they were important.

The battle had turned in favor of Thanos who was filled with pride. over thinking and over pushing his luck he turned his attention to thor.

The demigod was doing the most damage to the titans army.

Turning the stone on him the demigod started to get sucked in. but before her could thor swung his mighty hammer mjölnir hitting it where the human torch had burned it before calling lighting with the hit.

Thor was sucked out, leaving the three others still trapped inside.

The stone wobbled. unsure if it wanted to fall off the gauntlet or not. Finally it made its choice. the stone fell off the gauntlet and hit the floor of the meteor under the feet of the Titan.

The sound of a crack split through it.

"If I can't the stone then no one can! say goodbye to your teammates!" He cried not thinking his actions through.

With a stomp the titan smashed his foot onto the stone shattering it.

The battle froze for a second. unsure of what to do. wether to cry. to battle on. In the silence no one noticed the smoke of green come out of the shattered piece and head down to earth.

The moment was over once the smoke left. the hulk ran towards thanos. pissed that he had lost his cousin.

Thanos this time called upon the mind gem. Using it to try and control hulk the Demigod Titan somewhat succeeded. but the hulk had momentum on him. not being able to stop the beast ran into the Titan knocking the mind stone out of the gauntlet. Stepping on it without noticing the monster ragged on.

Knocking out the time stone next. then the space stone, the power stone. and finally the reality stone. All of them shattered. falling down towards earth which watched from below or crushed under the feet of heroes and Thanos.

Finally after all the gems were shattered the once colorful glass pieces now clear covered the ground.

"This isn't the end avengers! I will be back! the power of the gems aren't gone! they never can be! I will be back" the Titan yelled opening a portal and getting away through it.

Ironman flew to follow him but captain America stopped him.

"Don't tony. we have time... time to rebuild" the captain looked down on the city of New York that was destroyed , "to heal." he looked at a crying Sue Storm. " We need the time we have been given. to fix what had been wreaked." the captain finished.

The avengers stood on that meteor crying, wondering what would happen next, and finally hoping, hoping for a bright future.

Their wished was answered, because down on the earth below the sound of crying filled the air. the crying of new life came from 6 children. all born on the same day, the same hour, and the same minute.

Seconds apart.

The 3 girls and 3 boys cried. their eyes normal for a minute. before they all flashed a color. blue, green, purple, yellow,orange, and red.

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