Chapter 3

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Soren's pov.

The Baxter building. the freaking Baxter building. That's where their uncle reed lived!?

The girls just walked up to the main entrance and into the lobby like it was no big deal. Wow... classic. they lead me over into an elevator and we waited.

"I'm home! I'm home!" Johnny yelled and shouted with glee in my head.

"Johnny shut up... Your giving me a head ache!" I grunted out loud... again...

The girls looked at me weird and spencer shrugged her shoulders.

Emma continued to look at me like I was hiding something. well I technically was because they didn't know anything about me so I was hiding my story and my life from them.

But either way. I leaned on the wall of the elevator as the numbers ticked up.

"Soo soren... where are you from?" Emma asked.

"I'm from england." I said as the doors popped open.

Spencer rolled her eyes and walked out of the elevator down a hall with me and Emma tagging along.

I could hear the screaming of little kids as we walked down the hall.

"Valeria! give it back now!" Yelled a boys voice.

"No franklin! its mine!" yelled the girl named Valeria.

We turned the corner to see the two kids. The boy was about 2-3 years older then Valeria and had shaggy blond locks. Valeria had the same type of hair as her brother and looked about 6 years old.

"Franklin! Let your sister be!" yelled a mothers voice from the kitchen.

"Sue!" Johnny exclaimed.

"Ugh! what is with you and this place johnny!" I said frustrated that he was giving me migraines and headaches.

Now let me tell you that stopped every one in their tracks. even the kids looked at me. shot.

"Johnny! look what you've done to him now!" carol yelled hitting the back of Johnny's head.

"For like the third time today! OW!"

I was so busy listening to the two bicker I didn't notice that a women with blonde hair like the children had come to the door frame. the invisible women.. wow...

"I'm sorry young man but that name is not spoken in this house!" she said her hands on her hips.

"Sorry..." I said head low.

"Hey aunt sue!" spencer said hugging the invisible women.

"That should be me!" Johnny wined.

"Shut it johnny!" Jen said.

"Hey spencer why are you here today?" Sue spoke in a soft voice

"We came to talk to uncle reed and uncle strange." Emma answered for her.

"Well there in the lab. why don't you guys head up. I'll come up in a little bit."

"Ok! see you later aunt sue!" spencer said leading us up a flight of stairs into the fantastic four lab. the fantastic four had kept the four part reserving the spot for other heroes when they needed jobs.

"This is amazing." I whispered.

"You should have seen it back in it's day. this is nothing soren." Johnny spoke as if he knew this place.

"Uncle reed? uncle strange?" Emma called.

"Over here!" yelled a voice from behind a corner. In the corner sat two men over a blue print of some kind.

The first one was dressed in magic clothes. Dr.strange. he had black hair and wore a red cape over a blue like jump suit.

The other One was mr. Fantastic. the leader of the fantastic four. he had brown hair with white streaks on the side that was jelled back he wore a white suit that stretched with him and was lined with black.

"Wow reed Even changed the costumes." Johnny remarked.

"Ok what the heck! how do you know this place! why do the others keep smacking you in the back of your head and how do you know these people!" I yelled at Johnny.

"Soren I..."

"Shut it johnny. I don't care what the reason for this is but I don't want to hear it. so just shut up!" I yelled at him

"Wow... someone's angry." Jen remarked.

"You two too! I just can't take this right now!" I yelled.

The three stayed quiet.

"Thank you." I said calming down.

Wait... oh shit... I did that all out loud. I broke down.

I looked to see shocked faces staring at me. all except dr. strange who smiled and smirked at me.

He walked over to me putting a hand on my shoulder. "your bickering with them? right? Johnny's probably annoying you." he spoke like he knew what was happening to me.

I nodded.

"Steven! you know if sue hears his name we will be in the dog house!" mr fantastic said.

"I care not reed... the boy cannot keep this secret much longer." dr.strange spoke, " Soren I have been watching you. I know that you brake down like this every so often. I know that you get migraine and headaches that have gotten so bad that you have had to go to the doctor. And they passed it off as nothing."

"But it is nothing.... right?" I stuttered.

He shook his head. no

"All right steven! I want an explanation! right now!" reed said.

"Yo Soren say hi to reed for me." Johnny smirked.

"Ummm... mr.Richards?"

"What?" he spat.

"Johnny says hi...."

"How about us! say we need a little help in here!" Jen yelled.

"Say hi to sue for me." carol smiled.

"What?" his voice softened.

"Carol says say hi to sue for her.... and Jen says they need to get away from Johnny." I spoke for them.

"Uncle reed. we can explain." Emma piped up.

" Yes we can. We found the soul gem." spencer spoke.

Reed raised an eyebrow.

"You looking at him." spencer replied.

All heads turned to me. Why is every one looking at me for.

"They're looking at me!" Johnny smirked.

"They can't see you Johnny! and you know that!" carol said rolling her eyes.

"I know.., but I like to think so." Johnny replied like it was a normal thing.

"Soren.... are there three voices in your head?" spencer asked.

And for the first time in my life.... I lied. "no... I'm sorry."

"What the hell are you doing man!" yelled johnny.

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