Together- Prologue: Arrival

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"M-Mom! Please! I don't want to be here! I'm sorry!" She pleaded. Tears rushed down her face as she held her arms out for help. But the guards kept pulling her back.




"Im so so sorry baby. You're going to get the help you need. You'll be okay! I promise...they will help you take better care of yourself." Her mom stated. Tears started to flow down her face too. She burred her face in her husbands neck and he rubbed her head.

"You will get better soon. We packed all your favorite things Robin so you'll be fine! Don't worry. You might make some friends." Her father said. He took a deep breath before looking around the building.

It was a white building with a garage type entrance. The parking looked fine and was fairly clean. The greenery made it seem like it was the cleanest building in the world.

But we all knew that was a fucking lie. Wasn't it?




"Let me go!" Robin screamed. She fought back against the guards but to no success as they held her tighter.

The guard who held her suitcase, bags, and anything else gave him a thumbs up and typed in a code which opened the gates.

"I-I'm sorry! Whatever I did wrong! Please... let me go!" She yelled again which just made her mother cry harder.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart..." Her father whispered. He looked down not able to look at her face which was contorted in anger.

"Fuck you! Fuck all of you! Don't touch me! Leave me alone."

"Let go guys."

"Mom! Dad! Help me... HELP ME!"

The gate opened as the dragged her into the building despite her pleads and screams. *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^
They dragged her into a hallway with a bunch of of jail cell type looking rooms stopping at the room labled 173.

They opened the door to reveal a ginger head girl biting her nails. She was sitting on a bed staring at the identical other bed. She jumped at the noise of the door before looking surprised.

"Patient 569, you have a roommate patient 865." One of the guards say.

"I'm going to check your bag take these clothes for now. Also, lunch is in about ten minutes so get to know each other. And play nice 569." Another said. The girl nodded and sat up as the door closed and the clothes dropped on the floor.

"Hello~ I'm Misty! Misty Cooper. Im 14 right now, you?" The ginger asked. Robin turned around to face her after picking up the clothes. She wiped off her tears with her sleeve.

"O-Oh hi.. I'm..." She took a pause and sighed. "I'm Robin Frost. I'm also 14. Why are you here?" She asked.

"Well, apparently I have C-PTSD from... something. I told my dad I heard voices and he took me here. Didn't even give me a chance to explain myself. I hate parents..." Misty rambled. She rolled her eyes before looking back at Robin. "So what's your power."

"My...My what?!"

"Your power? People with disorders and trauma with power don't sit well together with some people. That why they sent us here. So, again. What's your power?" Misty asked. She looked at the Robin like she was stupid.

"I... I don't know? They told me people with powers are dangerous... I'm dangerous?" Robin asked her. Misty looked around the room before whispering.

"We are not allowed to talk about that here. They have cameras, just wait. My friends will help." Robin nodded. "So, where are you from Robin?"

"Oh! Well I live on a farm in southwest Delta. It's not that big or small. I just going to guess we are both going to high school next year?" Robin answered. Misty nodded in response before an alarm went off. Robin jumped while Misty stared at the alarm.

"It's Yellow. It's lunch time. Follow me." Misty said. They both got up and Misty offered a hand which Robin took. The door open automatically and they walked through.

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