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Alright, let's just fucking do this.

Kane is gonna be an asskisser as always, screwing over everyone else, throwing a fit against Seth and Seth still walks out champ. Woo fucking hoo.

If Dean joins The Authority, this house is fucking getting destroyed I swear to god.

The Diva's match is fucking pointless. I mean, seriously? If Naomi "deserves a title shot", should she not have gotten one at Payback? No. Instead, Tamina returns and is placed right there in the fucking match even though she hasn't done shit.

As usual, its going to be the exact same shit. Pointless matches and title defenses that aren't really title defenses because they've got 50,000 people up their ass to ensure a victory.


Pre-2010 WWE was the best. Ever since the late RA Era and start of the PG Era, its been this bullshit.

Guess what WWE. We don't want pillow fights or 2 minute matches. We want titles defended more than once a month (if that). We want real rivalries. We want fucking blood and violence, not a slumber party. You douchefucks.

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