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I'm just gonna say this before I go the fuck off on someone. This needs to be said, and it needs to be said now.

When you find someone who truly makes you happy, it doesn't matter what anyone else says or thinks. What you see in them is all that matters. After all.. if everyone saw the person you love in the same way you see them, you wouldn't be the only one in love with them.

You wouldn't be the only one to see the side of them that everyone else will never see. You wouldn't be the only one to hear their tired voice at 2:37 AM during an "I miss you" phone call. You wouldn't be the only one to laugh about the little inside jokes you've created together. You wouldn't be the only one to believe that they're the most unique, beautiful, flawless person to ever exist. You wouldn't be the only one to take silly, offguard pictures of them for no real reason except to cherish them and smile back on the nights you've shared. You wouldn't be the only one to look at their handwriting and smile, because it's theirs. You wouldn't be the only one to watch their chest slowly rise and fall in the morning while they sleep soundly beside you. You wouldn't be the only one to look into their eyes and see their entire world staring back at you. You wouldn't be the only one to grab the keys and go on a spontaneous midnight drive with them. You wouldn't be the only one they've created a family with. You wouldn't be the only one they married and grew old with. You wouldn't be the only one to see everything you see. You wouldn't be the only one to feel everything you feel. You wouldn't be the only one to look at them and see your entire world right in front of you. You wouldn't be the only person who loves them like you do.

Plain and simple; You wouldnt be the only one who's in love with them.. And that's exactly why true love is between two people, and only two people. Because only the two of you will ever be able to love everything about the other that nobody else will ever have the privilege to know exists within them.

So if you love somebody.. never let them go because of someone else's opinion. They're just jealous that they can't see what you, and only you see. You only get one soulmate in your life time. Don't let them go.

I know I sure as hell won't let mine go. ♡

I definetly could have went on longer,
but hey.. you get the point.

- SA

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2016 ⏰

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