4: Accepting Gifts With Dignity

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"Your Eminence, Lord Stark has asked to relay a message that he would like to have a word with you in his personal study," Vayon  Poole, the steward of Lord Stark informed Daemon an hour before the midday meal.

Earlier, Daemon had spoken to his uncle and had asked him to let the direwolves free. His mother and the Lady of Winterfell were both present then.

At first Lady Catelyn was reluctant to let the wolves out, but then Daemon assured her that he didn't mind the wolves, that he only wanted to see the children happy. Seeing as he wanted her children's happiness, she didn't see why she should be against the wolves being let out.

The wolves were let out by the kennel master and Arya couldn't thank her cousin enough for helping her free her beloved Nymeria.

He stood from where he'd idly sat on one of the balcony railings. " Lead the way, Ser."

Vayon gave a quick bow and lead Daemon to where Lord Stark sat in a room filled with a desk and shelves and everything else needed to make a study a personal space where Lord Stark could work for the whole day if he wanted to.

He stood up when Daemon entered with Vayon Poole.
" Thank you ,Vayon. I'll speak to him in private," he said.

Vayon only bowed before leaving, Lord Stark catching a brief glimpse of his nephew's personal guard stepping into  place to stand watch over the door.

" They never leave you, do they?" he asked rhetorically.

Daemon made a noise at the back of his throat and shrugged. " It is their duty, Lord uncle. To protect me against all sorts of dangers. Emperors had been assassinated for eras gone past. My grandfather almost were assassinated by the Dark Brotherhood. Were I not there...." He shook his head.

" You are safe here, Daemon. All everyone else are plotting to do is marrying off their daughters to you."

Daemon couldn't stop the chuckle that left his lips. " What makes them think that I am...." He shook his head and sighed. "Uncle, I might be a free man with no wife, but I believe in love. Not forging alliances through marriage. My mother and father fell in love before they were wed. They were the most happiest of people and that made for happy children. Anyway, I'm sure you didn't want to talk to me about arranged marriages. What is it you wanted to talk about?"

Lord Stark walked around his desk to a cabinet where he pulled out a bottle of wine. Something he'd saved for occasions such as this one. " I want to talk to you about the coin you have given us. My lady wife and I feel offended because of it. Do you think we don't have enough coin to provide all the food and essentials that is needed by ourselves and you and your people?"

Daemon sighed. " Uncle, I only thought of everything myself and the rest of my people are consuming while we are here. I heard some of your servants speak of the King that are arriving in the next few days. And now we are here also. It is only right that I contribute some coin to help you with that. I know the North is a harsh place to live in. I know of places that are hot and harsh and the only food that can be grown there are ash yams and those are blunt disgusting things that resembles a sweet potato.  Uncle, I only wish to help you. Nothing more. Please , accept the coin. I am not taking it back."

Eddard poured two small goblets of wine and held one out to his nephew. " I understand , Daemon. I shall talk it over with your aunt. I thank you, for your help."

Daemon lifted the goblet to his lips and took a sip. "Is there anything else?"

Eddard nodded. "I've been meaning to ask you about if you might be willing to foster Rickon or Bran. My father had fostered me to Jon Arryn, the current hand of the King when I was a young boy. Your father too. He was fostered by the Tully family. They are my lady wife's family. Though, Torrhen didn't stay there for years. He was sent back because they thought him too wild for them." He smiled at that memory.

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