17:We Don't Betray Family

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" Mama, why does Papa look so sad?," the little dark haired boy asked as he and his mother sat in one of the gardens at the Imperial Palace.

" Because Papa is not from here, Daemon. He came from a faraway land by ship."

The little boy watched his father, who sat alone under a large tree.

" Does he miss his Mama and Papa?"

His mother's sweet musical laughter could be heard around the palace. " Yes, my sweet little boy. Your Papa misses his Mama and Papa."

"Can we not write a letter to them, Mama?"

His mother shook her head. " The letter would take too long to reach them. It might even get lost at sea."

The boy threw his arms in the air. " That's terrible,Mama!"

His mother laughed again. " Yes, it is, Daemon. Why don't you go sit by him. He might welcome your company."

" Okay. Papa!". The little boy ran off to join his father under the tree and his father placed an arm around him while the boys mother looked on with a worried expression upon her beautiful. One day, she promised herself, One day she would take her husband home to his family.

Daemon was startled awake by the voices of the nightshift guards as they exchanged places with those of the day.

He sat up on his camping cot, pressing his face into his hands. He took a deep breath and exhaled softly, then he pushed the blankets from his body and swung his legs off the cot.
He stood and walked towards a small washbasin, cupping his hands in the frigid water to splash his face. Then he picked up a small face towel to dry his face.

" Your Eminence, permission to enter, sir ," one of the guards spoke at the opening of the tent.

" Permission granted, Kamal."

The Redguard walked into the tent. " The King has asked for you to join him and Lord Stark for breakfast."

" I'll be out in a moment. Tell the King that."

Kamal bowed his head. " Your Eminence."

Daemon didn't watch him leave, walking to his clothing chest to find a suitable outfit to wear for the day.

He found a green undershirt and a brown padded gambeson with a row of buttons and fastenings that stopped just above a pair of green trousers while the rest of the gambeson hung free to just under his knees. A pair of brown leather boots rounded off the outfit. On his right chest side was the ever present Imperial Dragon sigil in green.

After fastening his weapons belt around his middle and then fastening Dawnbreaker's scabbard to the belt, he walked out of the tent and towards a tent which had all its sides open, the flaps fastened to the poles.

Behind him, his guards fell into step with him.
" Good morning, Your Eminence," they greeted him.

" Good morning," he returned the greeting.

He repeated that greeting to the people sitting and standing in the tent.

"Good morning, Daemon," his uncle said, a light smile on his lips," Did you sleep well?"

Daemon shrugged. "I guess I did."

" You guess?," Ser Jaime asked from where he stood behind the Queen.

" Yes, Ser Jaime. I guess I did." Daemon looked at the King," How far are we riding today?."

" Until we reach the Crossroads Inn. I want to stop there for the rest of the day. For now, sit , have some breakfast." The King motioned to the different foods on the table before him. Daemon didn't have to be invited twice.

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