Sick! Darry x Cade! Reader (Story time )

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Your POV

I was walking with my brother to the Curtis house to hangout with his friends. I’m five years older than Johnny. He’s 16 and I’m 21 so I mostly hang out with Darry, Johnny, Ponyboy, and Two-Bit. Me and Darry being the oldest have jobs to help provide for the gang and ourselves. Two-Bit has started to see me as more of a parental figure than a friend, which I understand since his father walked out on him, his mom, and his little sister.

“You alright?” Johnny ask’s. I nod my head not wanting him to be worried when all I’m thinking about is Darry. Darry’s strong, smart, caring, and protective. I sometimes wonder if he sees me as a role model because of how I act towards Johnny and Two-Bit. As we got closer to the house I noticed Darry’s truck was in the driveway. ‘Huh, weird normally Darry’s on his way to work.’ Did someone not tell me something happened to him? What did I miss yesterday while dealing with our parents?

“Y/n! Johnny!” Steve's worried voice came from the house as we walked onto the porch. I looked at Johnny confused.

“What happened Steve?” I ask, Steve looked at Johnny then back at me.

“Ummm, maybe Johnny should tell y’a.” He said and moved so that way we could walk into the house. I looked around and saw no signs Darry had even gotten up.

“What happened man?” I asked, I had only been gone a day. What can you miss in one day? A lot apparently. Johnny looked nervous.

“Darry went to work sick and then proceeded to get more sick by not resting. I’m sorry I hid it from you b-but Darry didn't want you worrying about-” I cut Johnny off by patting his shoulder.

“It’s alright Johnnycakes, you were just doing what Darry wanted you to do.” He just nodded. I point my head towards Darry’s room. Johnny nods, I walk to Darry’s room and knock on the door.

“Leave me alone, Pony.” I hear sounding like 5 times more muffled than usual. ‘Damnitt Darry I told you stay home.’ I just compose myself and say,

“Didn’t know Pony became 21 or was Johnny’s sibling.” Darry just laughed lightly.

“Come on in Y/n.” He said. I opened the door and see, Darry with tissue’s near the garbage bin and in the garbage bin. The place looked a mess but that makes sense.

“Sorry about the mess, I’ll clean it up now.” Darry said and started to sit up. I immediately run over to him and start to lightly push him back down.

“I’ll clean it up for you Darry.” I said and went back to close the door and lock it. I walk back over and pick up the tissue’s and put them in the garbage bin. I sit next to Darry on his bed and feel his temperature.

“Has anybody given you anything? Or no because they don’t want you to start complaining about how terrible it is?” I ask because his temperature is hot but not to the point where it’s concerning and he needs to be at the hospital. I get up and unlock the door to open it to make Darry soup.

“Where are you going?”

“To make you some soup.”

“Hurry please.”

“I’ll hurry as fast as I can.” I close the door and walk into the kitchen to see everyone sitting at the table. How I have no clue, but I ignore them and start making the soup.

“What are you making?” Two-Bit ask’s I look over.

“Just some soup for Darry, why?” I look at all of them fully. They all look guilty about something.

“Spill now.” I say and turn the stove on low so as to not burn the soup. The boy’s looked at each other then back at me.

“We’re sorry for not telling you that Darry was sick. But you had been at court with your parents over legal guardianship of Johnny so we didn’t want to worry you.” Soda say’s, looking more guilty than the others.

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