Keith 'Two-Bit' Matthews x Male! Reader (My Mickey or your Mickey?)

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Two-Bit’s POV

I was making breakfast for my boyfriend Y/n. I was making pancakes that were Mickey Mouse shaped, our favorite show. Y/n was watching Mickey Mouse in the living room drinking milk.

“Is the food almost done?” He ask’s.

“Yes, just gotta wait a minute.” I replied and went back to the pancake’s. I started to stack the ones that were done on a Mickey Mouse plate for Y/n. I put his favorite things on the stack and brought them to the living room for him.

“Here you go handsome.” I say setting the plate on the pillow next to him.

Your POV
I grab the fork off my leg and cut a bit of the pancake off to eat it. Two-Bit waited for me to take a bite. As I was eating the piece of the pancake I spit it on the plate.

“Mickey, what did you put in the pancakes?" I asked.

“Everything I was supposed to, nothing less.”

“Two-Bit. What did you add that wasn’t in the recipe? I’m not mad, I just wanna know.”

“I whisked all the dry ingredients separate from the wet ingredients, and did the same thing with the wet as the dry. I melted the butter and warmed the milk in the microwave for the proper amount of time. Combine the wet and dry ingredients, and then cook it on the skillet.”

“What were all the wet ingredients?”

“Milk, eggs, and beer.”

“Why is there beer in the pancakes?”

“Because I thought you might like it.” He said and looked down. I moved the pancakes over to my other side and brought him closer.

“My Mickey or your Mickey?” I asked him. I waited for him to think of which one he wants. I start to play with his hair.

“….Both….” He mumbles.

“Okay.” I grab both of them from next to me. As I hand them to him, he kisses my hand.

“I’m sorry I didn’t make good pancakes..”

“Oh honey, don’t be sorry. You were experimenting.” I tried to comfort him. He snuggled closer to me. I put the blanket over the both of us.

Two-Bit POV
I feel so bad. If only I wasn’t an alcoholic then he wouldn’t have to suffer with the accident. I feel my eyes start to water. I look down and away from him.

“Honey, what’s wrong?”


“Then why are you crying?”

“You could do so much better than me. I’m just a stupid boy with a smart boyfriend.”

“You are not stupid. You are smart in your own way.” He says. I look at him after wiping my eye’s. He pulls my face closer to his and kisses me on my forehead.

“I fell in love with you just the way you are. Don’t ever doubt that, you understand?” He whispers to me. I nod my head. He lightly kisses my lips.

“I love you.” He whispers as I start to lay back down.

“I love you too.” I say loud enough for him to hear me. He starts to rub my back. I sigh in relief from feeling the tension leave my back.

“What have you guys been doing that you’re this tense?” He asks quietly. I shrug, I don’t know what we have been doing that’s different.

“Nothing' other than the usual stuff.” I replied. I feel my eyelids start drooping. I keep blinking to try and stay awake.

“I regret staying up late last night.” I mumble.

“Sleep then. I would rather you sleep than be tired.” Y/n replies. I feel my eyes start to fully shut. The last thing I feel is Y/n kissing the top of my head and whispering,

“Goodnight my love.”

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2023 ⏰

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