Hello again

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Hello to all of you new readers, and also hello to you former readers who (for some reason) chose to keep this fanfic in your library. Yes yes, I know, I haven't updated this in a VERY long time (around 3.5 years), and I'm very sorry for not warning you guys about my lack of motivation and lack of time (hence my absence). But I have some news for you. I've been thinking a lot about Yugioh lately, and in these last three and a half years, I've been constantly falling in and out of the fandom (as I am part of many fandoms). And as I've currently fallen back into the Yugioh fandom, I have thought about either A) continuing this fanfic or B) starting over and making it from scratch.
I think my writing skills have approve a little bit since I first started this, and would like to see how it would go if I rewrote it. I won't be deleting this current one, so no need to worry about that.
I want you readers to chose, wether I should rewrite this whole thing or continue where we left off. I will say though, I don't have as much free-time as I once did, but I will do my best to finish whichever choice you guys make.

So here are the choices:
A) I'll continue where we left of on this current YuGiOh 7 Minutes in Heaven, and it'll take less time for it to be finished. But there might (only might, not guaranteed) be a bit of a difference on the writing styles between the old chapters and the new chapters.

B) I'll make a new YuGiOh 7 Minutes in Heaven, and the chapters might (only might, still not guaranteed) be longer and better written. The chapter ideas probably won't change too much, however it will all take longer to get finished.

I've also thought of making a general YuGiOh OneShot fanfic (with probably just the characters from the original YGO series), so if the 7 minutes in heaven goes well, I might put the OneShot fanfic into existence.
This will all be up to you readers, so I really hope you guys read and comment on this, so that we can come to a decision.

That's all I wanted to say, thank you for reading. Merry Christmas and happy New Year to everyone, and I hope you all have a good morning/day/evening/night!

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