Chapter 1

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My name is Ivy Black, I know your thinking about my last name, yes I'm the daughter of Sirius Black. But I have my own story and he really didn't join the party until my teenage years. So let me start from the beginning.

I was born on September 15th 1979 my mother died giving birth to me, I nearly died as well. I should clear up my dad went to jail before I was born. So I was sent straight to foster care moving from house to house every two months from the age of six. At 9 I ran away and was homeless, eventually I made it back to Diagon alley. I lived around the backstreets behind the ice cream shop and on really hot days Florian used to give me free scoops of ice cream because 'I needed something in me'. I used to see family's walking past, I would hide in the shadows wondering why my life wasn't like theirs.
Then when I was 11 I got my letter from Hogwarts. Panic. I had no money but one day when Snape turned up and took me into Gringotts for the first time in my life I was amazed. I had never been inside the marble building at the end of the street, there weren't many shops I went in altogether never having the money to be able to afford any of the wonders in those shops. My mother it turns out had left me a fair amount of gold, Snape said he had the key to my fathers vault but I refused. My father will bring me enough trouble from having his name I don't need his gold as well. The first thing I did was go to the ice cream shop and buy as much ice cream to fill a village to thank Florian for always giving me free things. Then I got all my things for school and booked a room in the leaky cauldron until September the first.

To be honest I dreaded going to school, I mean I'm the daughter of a murderer and a traitor.

Arriving at Platform 9 3/4 I got a lot of looks, admittedly I had no parents and I was hauling a trunk and cat along with me but I still didn't like it. I managed to get a compartment to myself where I sat and sketched. People ran past and some girl came in looking for a toad. But other than that not many people bothered me, nobody wanted to bother the silent girl, the shadow.

Waiting with the first years was nerve wracking I stood alone feeling unwanted and very much in a spotlight. But this was nothing to the sorting. My last name is Black so my name was pretty high up the list, everyone began to whisper and everyone was staring. I didn't know what to expect when I tried the huge black hat on but it wasn't what I got. 'Your special and more powerful than you think, don't doubt your strength'. Then to my utter disbelief it called out 'Hufflepuff'. Slitherin was where I'd expected to go maybe. Griffindor if I was lucky, the other two houses hadn't even entered my mind. Walking across the hall it was silent, nobody clapped and nobody cheered. As I sat down nobody looked at me they all blatantly everted their eyes.

When sorting had finished and the feast began no one spoke to me even the ghosts seemed worried. When the meal was over the prefects showed us to the common room I trailed along at the back of the queue. I was scared to share a dormitory with other people I still wasn't used to having a bed.

We passed portraits and statues went down flights of stairs and through doors that looked like solid walls. Finally we came to a fireplace and the prefect knocked twice on the mantle. A face appeared from the fire, he was a kind looking man with a plump face.
"Password" he said in a warm, cheery voice.
"House elf" said the prefect she was a tall slender girl with a blonde plat down her back. She also had cold silver darting eyes.
"Correct" the man cheered and the fireplace lifted to reveal a doorway.

I looked around the common room in awe, tired as I was I couldn't help staring. It was a bright warm room coloured in the shades of sunset. Plants hung from the ceiling in wicker baskets and threadbare rugs covered the floor. The chairs and sofas looked soft and had far too many cushions on them. There were tables as well carved like mushrooms and flowers and hanging chairs were dotted around the place.

Walking up the stairs I found my dormitory with a plaque with my name and three others. Not to bad only three other girls. Walking in I saw four huge four poster beds with fluttery material hanging from them. The others were already unpacking, two of the girls glared at me but the other smiled. She was on my side of the room and I couldn't be more grateful. She smiled warmly and stood out her hand, "It looks like your with me". She giggled clearly sensing my unease, "I'm Rosalie, forgive me for already knowing your name, you caused quite a stir with sorting."
I nod unsure of what to say, "yeah you're the first person to speak to me today" I hope I don't sound hostile.
"I don't believe in judging someone because of their parents if your going to become a murderer I guess I'll find out," she said it lightly but I knew the meaning of her words. Not everyone believes that but some do.
"Thanks," I mean the words because if she's willing to help me that's amazing I need all the help I can get. she turns to finish unpacking and as I clamber into bed I feel drowsy and wide awake all at once. How am I ever going to adjust to a world where only one person will talk to me?

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