Chapter four

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I'm woken bright and early on Saturday by a loud laughing noise coming from the other side of the room. Sitting up I look groggily across the room, they're all sat at their dressers coating their faces in makeup, talking about how much they hope famous Harry Potter will spare them a glance. Clambering out of bed I go to my dresser which mostly acts as a desk and look at my reflection. I sigh. Everyone else makes looking flawlessly beautiful so easy, when I wake up I look like a corpse thats been rotting for three months, they could look like super models if they'd been rolling around in wet mulch and then been left to sit in it for two months.
I put on some mascara and brush out my hair before calling it a day. Most of the time school lets you wear anything on weekends but as its a match your required to wear school uniform.
Walking into the great hall I spot the griffindor team and walk over to them, Harry's sat there looking as if he's going to be sick.
'Nervous?' I say with a laugh as George budges over so I can sit down.
'He's not touched his food so I'd assume so, hi I'm Hermione' she smiles at me and I shake her hand before turning back to Harry.
'Relax,' i say poking him in the shoulder 'I mean I hate to break it to you but there's not really much of a difference on the amount of people who are going to be staring at you, this time you'll just be farther away.' At that he laughs. We wait for about 30 more minutes before Wood gathers his tea m and they head out, we all applaud as they leave.
The game is good, the beaters are my favourite because they get to carry clubs and hit the balls called bludgers. Everything seems to be going well until Harry's broom suddenly becomes out of control. I'm not sure how it happens but it sways violently from side to side to side trying to throw him off, when he falls off to one side holding on with one hand some people scream. I see Hermione move, griffindor students parting to let her past to focussed on Harry to care. Some members of the team start circling under him ready to catch Harry if he falls.
I see a spark from the opposite stand and a flutter of purple and black robes. The broom stops swaying and he's able to clamber back onto it, we barely have time to feel relieved however as a second later he's streaking towards the ground his arm outstretched, reaching. He crashes to the ground and rolls of his broom his hand stretched high to reveal a tiny gold glint. He had caught the snitch.
When I'd finally been able to get out of the stands I went to see the team to congratulate them. Walking into the changing room walk over to Harry and Ron who's rhapsodising about his save. Harry looks amused to see his friend so happy.
'Hi' I say 'you were amazing' he beams up at me.
'Thanks' he folds his robes 'my arms a little soar though' Ron laughs and claps Harry on the back,
'It was worth it though' I don't miss the wince Harry makes at the slap 'should have heard Malfoy ranting about it' that makes me laugh.
'He tried to recruit me the other day' that then makes Harry go into a fit of laughter so loud the rest of the changing room looks round at us.
'What's so funny' Fred asks striding over.
'Malfoy tried to recruit Ivy the other day' Ron informs him while Harry tries to get himself under control.
'Bet that went well,' Fred says smirking.
'I called his father a deatheater and now Crab and Goyle want me dead' I pause as though thinking 'so yeah pretty well'. This is too much and the changing room erupts with laughter.
'You told Malfoy his dads a death eater to his face?' Wood looks amazed 'never mind Crab and Goyle you'll have Lucius Malfoy after you for that.' I grin at the thought.
'He can try' I reply lifting my arms as though accepting the challenge.
When we leave the changing room Hermione runs up to us, 'well done Harry, also Ivy, Rosalie was looking for you she's somewhere over there' she gestures back to the stands.
'Thanks' I say hurrying in the direction she pointed. Sure enough she's waiting by the stands, she grins when she sees me approaching.
'Ivy, the griffindor teams says if we bring food from the kitchens we can join the common room party' her face is showing I get no say in this decision and that we are going to the party.
'And this excitement has nothing to do with a certain griffindor boy does it?' I laugh as she turns vermillion and shooshes me, 'with that colour you'll fit right in' I say continuing to laugh.
This is how I find myself wandering the third floor corridor alone because Rosalie had already gone to the party.
'What are you doing here?' The voice makes me jump and turn around, its George wearing jeans, a T-shirt and hoodie.
'Nothing' i say sounding way to suspicious, 'shouldn't you be at the party, you know the one they threw for you?' He chuckles.
'Need more butterbeer, got to go to Hogsmead' he pauses as if considering something 'you can come too if you want, Fred abandoned me so I could use an extra carrier.' I don't know how were going to Hogsmead but it sounds better than walking an abandoned hallway.
'Sure Rosalie left me so I've got nothing better to do'
'Great' he smiles turning towards a statue of a one eyed hag, 'this way'. He taps the statue with his wand and mutters something, the stone moves to the side to reveal a hole in the wall with an uneven path sloping downwards. 'After you' I say gesturing to the hole. He smirks and ducks into the passage disappearing into the darkness. I follow not needing to duck as the stone glides silently back into its original place plunging us into complete darkness. I take a step forwards and a second later I'm falling, and its not gracefully. I land in a heap at the bottom of the slope, George is almost doubled over from the mixture of laughter and the low ceiling. I kick my leg gracefully at the back of his knee and he topples sideways.
'Hey' he looks indignantly at me.
'Trick I learned over the years,' I smile sweetly 'super helpful against muggle police'.
'My dad would love you, obsessed with all that muggle stuff he is' he stands as best he can trying not to crack his skull on the ceiling.
We walk through the passage talking about the match and Hogsmead. We must walk for about an hour, George seems to be aware of where we are the entire time and tells me when we cross the boundary between Hogwarts and the outside world. I feel it as we pass through enchantments, it makes me shiver. We finally get to Hogsmead and come out in a cellar which George explains is in a shop called Honeydukes. I look over at the barrels of sweets and pop one into my mouth.
The flavour is strange, it tastes like a memory I can't quite place, a bright sunny day, I must have been very young I had a strawberry ice cream in one hand; the ice cream running off my hand in the heat. And a large shell in the other. My father sits next to me looking at the sun set with teary eyes. It was the day before he got arrested, I feel a sting behind my eyes and blink rapidly looking ahead into the darkness.
We sneak out of the basement and when we get out of the shop we find ourselves in a little square. The taverns exterior is welcoming the door, though closed, has windows bleeding light into the dull surrounding. I hear laughter and shouting coming from inside and smile.
Witches and warlocks sit inside, huddled in little groups. Looking to the back corner I gasp at the sight of a troll, he's got a club in one hand and what looks like a mop bucket of mead in the other. Most people are giving him a wide birth.
George seems to be well known here, a few people wave or call to him. It makes me wonder how many party's griffindors throw. The bar tender seems to have been expecting us and gestures over he shoulder to a huge pile of crates loaded with food and drink.
'You've outdone yourself Rosmerta' George says happily pulling out a bag of coins. 'Right' he claps his hand together moving forward.
Getting into the passage I have the feeling it's going to take a lot longer to get back. I have to stop a few times along the way, in my defence being homeless means food was scarce and my muscles didn't have the chance to develop properly. We don't talk as much on the way back and when we get to the slope I'm slightly relieved.
'How do we know the coast is clear?' I ask 'because I'd hate to get detention for this.' As if in response George pulls out a very old piece of paper and taps it with his wand. Ink spreads from the tip forming as map.
Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to present the marauders map.
I read the title again, the names seem oddly familiar but I can't think where I should know it from. More amazing is the map itself, tiny dots with names are moving around. Satisfied George puts the map away, 'all clear'.
Walking though the corridors is strange though its only 8:30 it seems like we're doing something wrong. I mean we are but besides that. When we get to the common room it erupts with cheers at the sight of more food and drink. I skirt through the crowd trying to find Rosalie, when I spot her she's taking to a griffindor second year so I double back not wanting to interrupt.
Overall the evening from there is pretty boring from there on, I can't even get to Harry thanks to the fan club thats formed around him. I end up sitting in a corner drinking butterbeer and stroking some random cat thats turned up. When it gets to 11 I decide that enough is enough and head back to my dorm.
When I walk in a spot Miles sitting on one of the couches.
'Where's Rosalie?' He asks sitting up a bit straighter.
'No clue but I wouldn't wait up for her' I make my way to the stairs.
'What were you doing with Weasley earlier?' He doesn't look at me choosing to stare into the fire instead. My cheeks heat.
'I was helping him get food for the party,' I try and sound nonchalant but my voice is a little too high.
'Right' he says sounding unconvinced. With that I turn to the stairs and walk shamefully to my dorm. I have to fight the urge to look back and check there isn't actually a hole in my back from the heat if his glare.

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