Chapter 5

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The next few months are a blur and before I know it Christmas is here, the grounds covered in a thick layer of snow with harsh winds beating against the castle. Many students had gone home for the holidays to spend it with their family's, as I had no family it was an easy choice to stay; my alley was always bitterly cold this time of year. Rosalie had left to go spend time with her family and, as Hufflepuffs were always loyal, so had the rest of the house which meant I had the entire dorm and common room to myself. It was strange without the usual loudness hanging around the castle, there were less people to stare as well which was amazing it meant I could actually get some work done. The small fact Christmas was here however had not discouraged the teachers who had given us piles of homework, Snape in particular had set two essays which, as everyone had heavily protested to these we were probably lucky there wasn't a third.

As I was the only one left in the common room it meant I could leave my stuff out over night and during the day without someone coming and stealing it. It also meant nothing stopped me from bringing things down from my rooms or walking around in my pyjamas, I was greatly delighted when I realised this. It was my own little haven, a safe space. I don't know what I'll do when its summer, perhaps Dumbledore will let me remain at Hogwarts. The library is where I spend most of my time, the shelves are stocked full of interesting novels. I particularly enjoy the muggle section, muggles making up worlds that exist only to them and their readers. I like the poets as well, their view of the world coming out in beautiful sonnets. They can write love, death, betrayal and make it sound like angel song, all written down for the world to read. I find solace in the pages, which is why I find myself on a Sunday afternoon reading a letter from a Roman soldier to his long forgotten love.

I look up confused, its Harry come to panic about Snapes essay. He's Snapes least favourite student, after Neville obviously, it also doesnt help he's generally rubbish at the subject. He doesn't know the first thing about the ingredients needed to make a strength potion and Hermione isn't here to help him. I'm slightly annoyed because I wanted to finish my letter but he looks like he's going to break down and I want to deal with that even less.

We find a table in between two rows of shelves and set to work, it takes the better part of three hours but we get it done. We then spend 45 minutes putting all the books back on the right shelves not willing to face the wrath of Madame Pince. 'Thanks for all your help' Harry's packing his bag before dinner. 'It's fine' I tell him crouching down to grab the quill I dropped, as I do I notice a carving under the table. 'Sirius+ Remus' outlined with a little heart. It looks old, I suppose it must be for someone to have a name like Remus. I wonder if it could possibly be my father, I smile before clambering to my feet and putting the quill in my bag.

Heading down for dinner I spot Fred and George trying to run away from an enraged Filch. 'I swear we were in the library' Fred says while Filch waves a broom in his face. 'And what proof do you have of that' he spat, clearly they had done something truly awful this time. 'I was with them' I say without thinking 'I needed help with a transfiguration charm' Fred spins round and looks at me sceptically but George says 'yeah it was that needle thing they kept setting fire whenever she tried to use them' Filch still looked as though he'd like to give them detention 'and how can I trust you Miss Black' he got uncomfortably close to my face, 'last I checked your family were most rotten of the lot, how do we know you haven't been raised by your dads death eater pals?' Anger burned within me and all I saw was red, however punching Filch would prove his point so I looked up into his splotchy scowling face and replied 'because do you really think id stick up for Weasley's if id been raised by death eaters and be friends with Harry Potter and be content with Hufflepuff, no wonder peeves likes to mess a with you so much you have no brains' I turned on my heel and stalked off while he stood there quivering, Fred and George quickly following. 'That was the best thing ever!' Fred said excitedly. 'Yeah no one has ever spoken to Filch like that before' George added 'you may need to go into hiding for a bit though' he added thoughtfully.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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