Chapter 2: Little Blue Boy

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Years pass and things changed.

You got a different job that involved you working from morning till late at night. You didn't get to be with your dear friend as much as you use to be.

But as long as you were working and getting enough money so he doesn't have to suck up to that damn big rich ass.

The downside of your job is the long hours, the upside is how much alcohol they let you take home if you work hard.

And you always worked hard.

You were never the drinking type. But the more Alibaba had you talking about your homeland and your family, the more you want to forget. And an able to do that. You drink.

But today was your day off. And you did nothing but sleep.

Alibaba sighed out of boredom. He was laying his head on your stomach as you were knocked out. You had fallen dead asleep as he was trying to hint on wanting to go out today for some fun.

But it's clear you need rest.

But he wishes you didn't work so much. His eyes that were glued to the ceiling, shifted to the empty bottles at the corner.

And how he wished you calmed down your drinking. He whished a lot of things, but for your health and safety is the most he wants.

You groaned and shifted your whole body to the side causing the blondes head to thump on the ground


Alibaba sighed as he got up and got himself ready for work.

"I'm going off to work!"
Alibaba shouted

"Mhmm, bye bye~" you said tiredly as you waved a little before knocking out once more.

When you woke up, you decided to go out and buy a few things. You always have to wrap yourself in clothing and leather to cover your skin and tail along with your ears.

You bought a few fruits and oil for candle light. You began to walk into a building.

"Hey Y/n~ you working again tonight?" A woman who was dressed to almost nothing leaned against the wall as she stared up at you.

"It's my day off Karim. I'm just here to drop these off." You gave her the items.

You left the brothel and head back home. That brothel is where you work at. Your in a way, kind of a lap dog but a security at the same time.

If one of the customers get too out of hand, you throw them out. The brothel runs out of certain things? You fetch them. Heavy lifting? You handle that too.

The brothel is always open, meaning you are always working, besides from the times your off.

"Umm. . . What's going on here?" You spoke as you stared down at Alibaba and a boy who you had never seen before.

"Oh! Y/n! This is Aladdin. Aladdin, this is Y/n. My trusty friend Y/n here is the one who's apples you just ate up." Alibaba said with a smile.

You deadpand at that.
"You. . . You did what?"

After you nearly strangled the little one, you had easily bought more apples for yourself.

"So, what's the kid doing here anyways?" You asked as you took a bite from your apple.

Alibaba frowns as he gazed down at a sleeping boy.

He began to tell you all about Aladdin, and what his flute does.

"So magic? Wow, haven't heard of anyone using magic in a long while."
Magic was used in your homeland a lot. So you haven't seen or heard of magic for a fat minute.

In the morning, you and Alibaba took Aladdin out. Alibaba believes that this Aladdin could help them on conquering a dunjin.

You see, with your strength, Aladdins magic and Alibaba's brains. The three of you will be able to conquer the dunjin no problem.

"Miss?" Aladdin spoke as he was staring up at you.

It was night time and the three of you were on the roof. Aladdin took the liberty of sitting on your lap as Alibaba was leaning on your back with his own.

"Yes?" You kept you eyes ok the stars as you could feel the boys eyes on you.
"What are you? You look different from all of us."

You smiled and pat his head
"I'm a Karth. I come from the island of Torukan"

"Really? Tell me more!" Aladdin's face lit up as he reached his arms up to you.

You told him. You told him as much as you could remember. The parties, your family. And the other great clans.

"Will you take me there some day? It sounds so fun! I wanna ride one of those Za'rok thingys." You laughed and nod as you ruffled his head. You could hear Alibaba chuckling behind you.

"Maybe, one day."

Aladdin smiled as he leaned back into you again.
"Can you tell me, how your people say, I love you?" Aladdin asked as he yawned.

You glanced behind you and saw that Alibaba was already asleep as well.
". . . I have forgotten that after many years." You said solemnly as you looked back up to the stars.

"Hmm, that's a okay. I love you, and I hope we stay like this together. All of us." Aladdin said with a smile on his sleepy face.

You sighed before carefully picking both of the boys up and carried them to their beds. You took the ground for the night

That was the last night you would ever sleep on the ground of that town after what was to come next.

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