-8 Being Sick is the worst-

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°No one's Pov°

It had become cold outside. Well it was always cold but It was colder It was snowing on this day and everyone had been having their fun, from making snow angels to snow ball fights.

"You have to pat down the snow into a ball in your hands." Classic explained as blue continued his attempt at the poorly shaped snow ball. It then fell apart leaving clumps of snow on the ground.

"Here blue take this one." Classic said handing blue a snowball he made setting it in his hands.
Blue imidiantly as soon as the snowball touched his hand he threw it at the back of inks head.

"What the Heck!?" Ink yelled turning around to see a laughing blue and chuckling classic.

"I see how it is." Ink said as he lowered himself down to the ground as he started making as many snowballs as he could all while he was throwing them at blue making sure not a single snowflake touched classic.

"Wait- I'm sorry!" Blue screamed out as he was met with snowballs to the face as he tried to run, bassicly run anywhere away from ink.

It had escalated after about 30 seconds because every one started to join in and everyone had been getting hit and getting snowballs thrown at others. Classic was standing on the side lines making a snowman.

With the occasional screaming from others who had gotten hit or hit someone. But classic just stayed at the side making his little snowman patting and rolling the snow as he dug around collecting little rocks and pebbles making two eyes and a smile.

"I'm gonna need a carrot." Classic thought as he carefully walked around every one making sure he didn't get hit with a snow ball as he quickly got into the house walking into the kitchen opening the fridge and grabbing a bright orange carrot as he headded out into the yard again carefully dodging any snowballs that came his way.
He walked to where he made his snowman gently putting the carrot between the snowman eye's as he took a step back feeling proud of the simple snowman he made.

Zia had found herself outside causing classic to turn his full attention on her.

"Zia! It's too cold outside to be out here." Classic scolded the cat but she just sat there swaying her tail back and forth just staring blankly at classic.
He picked her up and pulled her close to his chest rubbing her soft fur as he started to walk into the house leaving everyone else outside to finish there snowball war or whatever they were doing.

"C'mon, let's go to my room so I can lay down." Classic said as he walked up stairs with the small white cat in his hands.

He opened his door and shut it behind him as he put down zia who then hopped onto his bed laying on his pillow patting it down with her paws.

"Look at those idiots." Classic said as he looked out the window that showed the entire yard giving Classic a clear view of the snowball fight. "Acting like a bunch of crazy lunatics." He said watching everyone getting themselves hit with snow watching blue making desperate attempts to make snowballs which after some time he just grabbed handfulls of snow and threw them. "But I guess you gotta be a little crazy to live in this world. take me for example, I talk to cats." Classic took of his slippers by his bed and his jacket leaving him in a white t-shirt black shorts and his socks putting himself down on the bed as he grabbed the covers and pulled the covers over himself with zia nuzzling her face to classics skull with the sounds of her purrs filling classics bedroom as his eyes got heavier and heavier by every passing second until sleep finally overcame him with the small skeleton and kitten in bed sleeping soundly.

°After 2 hours°

"Thank you dream." Ink said as he grabbed the cup of hot chocolate that dream handed him.

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