-7 Happy New Year's-

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This is the chapter where classic finally kisses somebody (Not gonna say who) but just be aware of that.

Everyone had been going about their business, Some of them we're messing around watching tv, playing video games,Outside, etc.

"You guy's! Me and horror got fireworks for tonight!" Killer said kicking down the door with a cardboard box that was filled to the brim with fireworks and all kinds of stuff.
"Why do you keep breaking our front door!?" Nightmare yelled.
"I'm pretty sure some of this stuff is illegal." Sci said looking in the box.
"Don't be such a buzz kill four eyes." Dust said flicking the back of his skull.

"This is a time to push out 2022 and welcome in 2023." Blue said as he grabbed the box and put it by the stairs as he looked at the clock seeing it just at 4:00.

"We can go outside and start getting things ready so once it's time to celebrate we can easily do everything." Blue said midsentence already walking outside.
"I guess we can do that, c'mon every one let's get going." Outer said with everyone else walking outside following behind blue to the backyard.

[Time skip to a few hours]

The time was now 10:00 pm.
They had started lighting off fireworks and played with some other things like sparklers chasing each other around with them.
"Please don't do that..." Classic said standing in the background far away from the 4 idiots.
"Don't be afraid toots, we know what we're doin." Fell said as the other 3: Razz,Blue,Nightmare. We're tieing fireworks together as Razz pulled out a lighter.
"What the Funk are you doing bruh?" Fresh asked censoring his swear word watching the 4 of them tieing fireworks together and they were about to light them.

"You can't be serious right?" Dream asked backing up along with the others when razz pulled out the lighter.
"Okay light em up." Nightmare said completely ignoring dream as Razz put the lighter to the string connecting it all together.
"Their serious." Ink said watching it light as a loud bang was heard as they all looked up watching the night sky being lit up with multi colors and in different patterns.

"Woah." Blue said with a huge smile and stars in his eye's watching in awe at the fireworks going off.
"Jesus Christ that's loud." Sci said covering his non existent ears.

[Some time later]

After a little while everyone had a little to drink except for blue,dream,Sci,Outer,Dust,killer.

Alot of them we're siting around talking to each other and every once in awhile lighting a couple fireworks.
But there were 2 who we're not near them all.

Killer and classic we're on the roof.

Yes the roof, classic had a couple bottles of beers that kinda made him a bit tipsy not totally aware of every thing.
"You sure we can stay on the roof in your state?" Killer asked drinking a soda as he turned to Classic who had chugged down another beer.

"Yep, I can handle myself." Classic said as he opened another one.
"How many of those have you had already?" Killer asked pointing to empty bottles next to Classic.

"Like 4 I'm drinking one now so 5." Classic said staring off watching the fireworks going off and looking down seeing the rest on the ground.
"You don't talk much do ya?" Killer asked taking a drink from his soda.
"What do ya mean?"
"Well you usualy keep to yourself which I can't blame you everyone here is pretty much idiot's, but when you do talk you just say joke's or tell us to stop doing something stupid." Killer said crossing his legs making sure to keep his balance so he wouldn't fall off.
"I don't know, guess that's just what I do." Classic said putting his knees to his chest still staring off.

"I'd like for you to talk more, your voice is really nice to listen to." Killer said rubbing the back of his neck looking away nervously.
"You like my voice?" Classic asked looking over to killer who has turned his face away.

"Uh, yeah." Killer said with a light tint of blush on his cheeks.
"If I'd know any better it sounds like you like me." Classic said with a smirk scouting over to killer closer.
"And if I do?" Killer asked taking notice of classic moving over to him closer.
"It might be the alohcol taking but you look cute." Classic said leaning in to killer.
"I- y-you think I'm cute?" Killer said blushing that became visible as Well as him stuttering.
"It's funny how one compliment can make you look like this." Classic said slurring his words as he kept moving forward to killer.

In the distance every one had started the countdown for new years that was faint but loud enough for the both on the roof to hear.

"So do you like me killer?"
"Oh- um..."
"C'mon spit it out."
"I do like you but I'm not sure if you would."
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know, do You like me?"
"That's not a real awnser."
"*Sigh* C'mere killer."
"1! Happy New Year!"

As soon as the yelling for happy New Year went to one classic pulled killer in and gave him a kiss on his (Lips?)
That lasted no more than a second or two.
"W-what was that?"
"Yknow it brings good luck when you kiss someone at the stroke of midnight right?" Classic said chuckling a bit before looking at killer.

"Happy New Year killer." Classic said softly as he slowly got down and jumped off the roof and went to the others on the ground.

Killer just said there in complete shock.
He's entire face was as red as a tomato with a hand over his mouth processing what had just happened.

"Wait- classic you can't just do that and leave!" Killer shouted as he made his way down off the roof.

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(Don't mind my rushed art work to make a kissing scene between the two)

Happy New Year everyone hope the new year brings you good luck!
Feels like last year was just yesterday

Words: 1058

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