Wedding Plan

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It's been two weeks since nawaz asked Eli to marry her. Now they're have been planning every single day.

Nawaz: should we start planning where the wedding is gonna be babe?
Eli: well sure since we already bought the decor!
Nawaz: oh okay, we'll where did U buy the decor from?
Eli: Jae suggested to buy the wedding decor at party city.. so basically we bought them at party city..
Nawaz: since when did party city start selling wedding decor?🤨
Eli: no one knows-
Nawaz: well let's look online what we can afford, also, where's Jae Tommy and Robert?
Eli: oh, when we stopped buying decor for the wedding they dropped me off here and went to work..
Nawaz: god, there job sucks
Eli: well At least they pay well.
Nawaz: true..

They choose to do there wedding at the "Queen City" and now next week the gang meets up with the person who owns the spot so they know what to do with it so it be perfect for the wedding.

Eli: can u start inviting people to the wedding you three?
Jae Tommy and Robert: bro no
Eli: bro, why?
Jae: cause y'all haven't even made it official yet that y'all are getting married there-💀
Robert: y'all to bankrupt to even have a wedding there anyway💀
Tommy: FR💀
Eli: true points.. expect for the bankrupt part.. but true points.. well start inviting people the day AFTER we meet up with the place owner of the spot.
Tommy: finally a smart decision.
Jae: last time u were smart was 5 years ago💀✋
Robert: damn, u must be hella dumb.
Jae and Tommy: she is💀 you haven't seen all that we have seen of this chick-
Eli: y'all really bullying me infront of me?-
All three of them: yep, pretty much.
Eli: wow-

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