5 months

7 1 0

There's one more month until the wedding and a lot has happened since. Jae Robert and Tommy quit there job cause they robbed a bank and now have 20,000,000,000,000 dollars... yet there still cheap. Anyways, nawaz and Eli have been doing really well with planning for the wedding and only have the desserts and cake to finish. And they even already decorated the wedding spot cause they bought there stupid party city wedding decor too early. Anyways, now instead of focusing on cake and desserts and all that stuff the gang starts to invite some people to the wedding.

Jae: Eli who are we inviting?
Eli: well I'm inviting Zoe, Jessica,ariella,shanty,Kristina,Jeffery ahmer, and Leah M.
Tommy: why not leah v?
Robert and Jae: no one likes Leah v💀
Eli: exactly, baby who are you inviting?
Nawaz: well baby I'm inviting Joel,Matthew, Chloe,Makayla,Phillip , cornelious, Jackson, Lucas T, and Ted ydnub
Robert: I-💀
Nawaz: can y'all please deliver them?
Tommy and Jae: I'm not going anywhere near Ted undy and Jeffery Ahmer

The gang invite everyone and Tommy Robert and Jae almost die cause they went near Ted undy💀 and finally the cake is finally done. All they have to do know is just get some desserts. They were too bankrupt to pay for someone else to bake them good delicious desserts so they just want to shop rite for desserts💀

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