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Hii! Welcome to my book, it is new and I hope you enjoy it!

"WHAT?!" A loud shriek that heard throughout the whole house, made the maids and other house staff cover their ears with a wince.

"Katsuki, this is for your own good." A blonde woman spoke.

"No.. no. This is for YOUR good! I wonder how much money your being paid to do this." The kid, also know as Katsuki spoke in anger.

"Katsuki that's enough. Just-- listen would you?" His mom said in an innocent voice.

"No! No, just no! I hate you! You ruined my life!" Katsukis tone only got louder the more he spoke with his mother.

"Katsuki please! We were running out of money!" His mother pleaded with him as tears fell out of her eyes.

"Stop just stop! Y-you lied.. you said that it be just forever, that we'd have each other! But you just sold me off.." Katsuki said as he fell to his knees and began to cry.

The blonde just found out that today, he was going to meet his fiancé whom he had been engaged to for seven months already. He didn't know of this engagement, hell, he didn't even know who the man he was getting married to was. It could be some old creep now that he's old enough. He didn't want this. No, he wanted to live happily with his boyfriend, Izuku Midoriya.

Mitsuki sighed as she wiped away her tears and stared at her sobbing son on the floor. Her innocent act wasn't working, so there was no need in continuing to try.

"Katsuki, get up. You'll be moving in with him today. I have your things packed, so you'll just need to shower and change into the clothes I have set for you. I expect you to be ready within thirty minutes. If not, you know what happens." She said, glaring at him, before walking away. The fake act going away almost immediately. Her heels clicked on the shiny metal floor with every step she took. The clicking sound slowly faded away as she got further and further from him, until it was completely silent.

Katsuki slowly stood up as he wiped away his tears. He couldn't believe his mom would do something like that, and tell that big lie to him pretending to be sad. There's no way she would need money.

His dad was a entrepreneur while his mom was a runway model. She didn't make nearly as much as he did, so when he died, his will was split between him and her, only giving him more than it actually gave her. He got 70% and she only got 30% due to her already being a famous model.

It was a 70 billion dollar will, so of course his mother would be mad at him. The day she found out about the will, she took all of her anger out on him. He ignored her for a few weeks after that until she bribed him with a Amazon shopping spree with no limit, and he loves shopping sprees. There were really only a few times when his mom would be nice, so he made sure every time lasted.

Katsuki went to his room, where everything was indeed packed. There were three Designer suitcases and two bags which matched the suitcases. Katsuki gave a short glance at the clothes on his bed before walking into his personal bathroom.

After his shower, he had ten minutes left to get ready, so he put on his clothes then dried his hair and put on some jewelry. By time he finished, his mother was already banging on his door telling him to hurry up.

"I'm coming mom!" Katsuki yelled before quickly putting on his jacket, grabbing his phone and leaving.

When he got downstairs, he saw a handsome two tone haired man with two bodyguards behind him. When the man finally looked up at the blonde, his eyes widened slightly, making Mitsuki also look up. In the entryway stood Katsuki wearing a designer outfit, with two butlers behind him with his suitcases.

"Oh! Katsuki, your finally down here!" Mitsuki exclaimed as she grabbed her sons arm, dragging him toward the man.

"Ouch.." Katsuki whined when his moms nails dug deep into his skin, warning him to be nice and formal.

"Shoto, this is my son, Katsuki. He's good at a lot of things from cooking, singing, instruments, etcetera. He'll be a good husband, and is worth the money. He'll listen to every word you say whether it's wrong or right." Mitsuki explained.

Shoto examined Katsuki for a while, before nodding.

"Alright, Mrs Bakugo. Here's the check for the money," Shoto said pulling out his checkbook and writing a check before handing it to Mitsuki. "When he turns 18 I'll make sure to give you the money almost immediately. Good day." Shoto finished before grabbing Katsukis arm in a tight grip and dragging him out of the house as the bodyguards followed closely behind with the suitcases.


When they got to the house, Katsukis eyes twinkled in excitement. The house was much bigger than his, but only had bodyguards and no staff. There wasn't a maid or butler in sight. Not even a chef.

"Uhm.. S-Shoto, where are your staff? Katsuki asked nervously as he followed Shoto to his room.

"There aren't any. I fired them all today." Shoto blatantly explained.

When they reached Shoto's room, Katsuki was surprised to see how big it was. It was bigger than his living room, which was literally ginormous. Shoto sat on the bed and took his shoes off before putting his feet on the bed, letting out a sigh. Katsuki just stood in the doorway, unknowing of what to do.

"Oh, right.." Shoto mumbled. He motioned Katsuki over, and the blonde immediately walked over and sat on the bed next to the heterochromatic man.

"So there are rules here, and even more will be added once we get married," Shoto said before pulling Katsuki closer as the blonde was sitting on the edge of the bed. "One, you'll cook and clean everyday. Two, you'll be on a very tight and strict schedule. Three, you'll respect guests. Four,you'll listen to every word I say, and do whatever I want without no protests. Understood?" As soon as Shoto finished, Katsuki shakily nodded. When Shoto let go of Katsukis chin, the blonde let out a breath he never knew he was holding in.

"We will get married after you graduate in a few months, so you'll have much time to settle in. " Shoto's voice now sounded angelic and soft, unlike earlier when his voice was strict and scary.

He didn't let Katsuki say anything before he laid the blonde down and brought the covers up to Katsukis upper body.

Well, Katsuki knew this wasn't gonna be easy. He just had that gut feeling burning in his stomach to leave...

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