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Short chapter, sorry<3

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Short chapter, sorry<3

It was now moving toward the end of the day, and Katsuki was still fast asleep. This was probably the best sleep he's ever gotten, not having to worry about anything.

Unfortunately, all good things have to come to an end. Katsuki was shaken out of his sleep by recovery girl. He was still tired and wanted to sleep, but unfortunately he can't.

He groaned as he sat up, stretching his arms. That action was soon followed by a yawn as Katsuki began to slowly wake up.

When he opened his eyes, he was met with a warm smile from recovery girl.

"It's 3:35, Dear. You should be heading home now," She said. Katsuki nodded and stood up, slowly leaving the office.

After stepping into the hallway and closing the door, he began making his way down to the front doors. The halls were slightly crowded, and people were giving him strange looks. They were pointing and whispering to their friends about him, but at this point he couldn't care less. He was exhausted, both mentally and physically.

He just wanted to lay in his bed and fall into a long, deep sleep, and only wake up when all of his problems magically disappear.

As he reached the front of the school, he saw his moms car, meaning either the school told her about him sleeping the whole day, or Shoto can't pick him up for some reason.

When he got into the car, Mitsuki side eyed him with a glare before driving off. She was awfully silent, which meant only one thing; She was pissed.

Upon arriving in the driveway, Katsukis stomach slowly started to twist and turn with anxiety and nervousness. He was scared of what was going to happen now that she probably knows he 'skipped' classes.

As they walked in the house, there was a moment where Katsukis started to feel nauseous, as if his body knew something was going to happen. But before he could say anything, he was grabbed by his hair and was kneed in the face, making him stumble back once the hold on his head was released.

"Since when did you think it's okay to fucking skip classes!!" She yelled.

Katsuki groaned in pain as he held his nose which was now bleeding at a rapid pace. He was in so much pain that he couldn't even acknowledge the fact that his mom was moving toward him for round 2.

This time, she kneed his stomach, making him hunch over in pain as he felt bile rise to his throat. Oh no..

Katsuki made a wrenching noise before spilling his guts all over the white marble floor. He felt tears running down his face as he continued to throw up until there was nothing left. Now, he was just dry heaving trying to catch his breath.

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