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I put a reference from a show in this chapter, can you find it?This chapter came late because I slept longer than I expected on my after school nap 😭

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I put a reference from a show in this chapter, can you find it?
This chapter came late because I slept longer than I expected on my after school nap 😭

It was now breakfast of the next day, and Shoto and Katsuki were sitting at the table in the dining room. There was a bowl of Dakjuk infront of both of them. Since Shoto rehired all of his house staff, Katsuki didn't have to cook and clean anymore.

"So, Katsuki, I called your mother earlier. Fortunately, you won't have a punishment, But you are to continue school today and after that I'm gonna take you out to dinner to talk more." Shoto explained as he ate his soup. "You also have a new room, considering you might be uncomfortable sharing a room with me."

Katsuki nodded and began to eat his soup, which was very very unpleasant. It was bland and tasted nothing like the food he got back at home. He took one last sip of orange juice before standing up, and excusing himself.

"I'm gonna go get dressed now.." Katsuki mumbled out before leaving.

Katsuki went to his room and entered the huge closet, where the only outfit that actually stood out was his UA uniform. He quickly grabbed it and changed into it, taking his tie off since he didn't know how to tie it.

"Since when does he care about me being uncomfortable?" Katsuki scoffed.

He then went to the bathroom to brush his teeth, and after that he combed his hair. When he finished, he went downstairs where he saw Shoto talking on the phone with someone. Katsuki wanted to ask a question, but he wasn't sure if now was the time since Shoto seemed pretty angry.

Ten minutes passed and Shoto was still on the phone, and the call sounded pretty intense. The school gates opened in 20 minutes, so Katsuki decided he'd stay for another 10 before leaving. He looked at his watch and sighed as he heard Shoto's yelling get closer to him before it stopped. He stood up as Shoto entered the room, looking calm now.

"Shoto, have you seen my phone?"

"You left it in the dining room, go get it and come outside."

Katsuki nodded and went to the dining room, where his phone sat on the table. It was probably dead right now, because he didn't charge it yesterday.

After getting his phone, Katsuki went outside, where a white car was waiting for him. He quickly went to get into the front seat and closed the door.

"Which school do you go to?"

"UA." Shoto nodded, and drove off. Driving awfully fast.

It was quiet for a few minutes, until Katsuki decided to speak, trying to start a conversation.

"So uhm Shoto, I never really got to ask how old you were..?"

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