Mommy's Boy

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Have you ever had that feeling when you meet someone for the first time and it feels like you're going to meet that person again?

Well, It was the summer before senior year...

My eyes keep on drifting to the young couple expressing PDA at the corner of my mom's coffee shop. The tall blonde girl is sitting on the equally gorgeous looking guy while they kiss the hours away.

Trust me I didn't know people could kiss for that long.
But it's quite entertaining when you're made to work with low allowance throughout your summer.

Mom's sent my little brother to our grandma's place and left me behind since I didn't want to go cause granny is nuts. The only things she asks me about are boys, sex and if I've been deflowered yet. Once she even questioned me about my sexuality which had me questioning myself.

That woman is confusing.

"Enam, why are you staring at the PDA couple?" Josh taps my back.

I blink twice and face him. " Um, cause they're entertaining." I say.

"Well you know another thing that's entertaining?" He smirks.

"What." I say. "Me babe." He blows a kiss. "Ewwww!" I laugh. " In your dreams."

"Don't get your hopes up, though I made you laugh which means I'm entertaining." He runs his hand through his sandy hair.

Josh has been my friend since the 9th grade when he asked my mom if he could work in her shop. Ever since then we've been so close cause we find it a hobby to irritate each other. Mom is also very fond of him, it's annoying.

He's tall, tanned, has sandy brown hair and a charm that brings half of the girls from our school to mom's shop.

"Whatever." I sigh.

"Anyways so, I was thinking of going to the pool this Saturday..." He begins.
"I'm in!" I beam.

"What, who said I was inviting you?" He smirks. "I'm inviting myself. I need an excuse not to be bored. I'm sick of watching TikTok all day and I never knew that could be possible." I groan.

Josh laughs at my behavior. "It won't be fun without you shorty."
"Who are you calling shorty?" I punch him but end up hurting my knuckles. "Stop working out already." I groan. This makes him burst out into tearful laughter.

"Stupid!" I glare at him and move towards a customer to take an order.

"You can never escape from me darling." He flashes me a grin but earns a middle finger in return.

The following day I get dressed in a black bathing suit and put on a summer shirt with shorts. I tie my curly African hair in a pony and slide my feet into my slippers before moving downstairs.

Mom and Danny, my little brother are sat in the couch watching their seventh korean drama this week. It doesn't make sense. Then again a lot of things in this world don't make sense so whatever.

"Here you go Mrs. Emily." Josh comes out of our kitchen with a tray of cookies in his hands. "Thanks Josh. You should teach this girl how to make these. She knows nothing about baking." Mom glances at me with a wicked smile.

Danny steals a few off the plate and mom turns her attention to him. "You could've asked honey."

"I'm leaving with Josh mom." I wave her.
"Yeah, have a great time." She unpauses the drama and forgets about my existence.

"Get your flat ass into the car Enam." Josh teases. "My ass is not flat!" I gasp. "Well it's yours not mine." He smiles starting the engine. "Dickhead."

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