The Beginning

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"Sheen?" Brynlee desperately calls out, "where are you?"

And then at the blink of an eye she was transported to a playground and running around in the mulch. A small child started chasing after her. A game of chase. She veered off the mulch to a picnic table where she saw her parents.

"I don't know what's going on." She exclaimed as tears were running down her face.

She got flashes of the unspeakable. A suit. A casket. Doctors unable to explain what happened. She heard their voices questioning "it started with a headache how could it escalate to this?". Tears. People giving speeches. Sheen now in the ground. White lilies.  Brynlee gasps awake. Tears drench her eyes and her pillow. Sweat beads form on her brow. She quickly reaches for her phone to text Sheen.

Hey are you okay? I had an awful dream and now I'm worried. Please answer me as soon as you wake up. Tell me you're alright.

An hour passes.

Two hours.


Four long hours tick by when Sheen finally answers.

I'm awake
What was the dream about?
Sorry I slept in so late.


Brynlee couldn't imagine her life without Sheen and that dream felt too real for comfort.

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