Ep. 1 unexpected gift!

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I sat in the void that was the box. Digital and endless, with nothing to do. I had been left like this for some time now. I dont remember how long ago I was placed in this prison, but it felt like eons.
Suddenly, something new and unexpected happened, a large message appeared where I could only assume was upwards.
In large bold text it read, " TRADING "

I pondered what it meant when a massive godlike hand appeared in the sky. I was mildly afraid of what it might do but felt comforted knowing that I could not be harmed in this place.

The hand hovered around as if looking for something. When it came to me, it changed gestures into pointing to me.

Suddenly, I was transported somewhere else. Somewhere the same but not. I was transported out of the box and into a luxury ball, it was roomy and several times more comfortable than in the box but I missed the real world. I missed fresh air, and the sky, I missed food especially, I didn't need food in the box or pokeball but I still missed it.

After some time in the luxury ball i was let out and was face to face with a person.
"Here! Your first Pokémon (Y/N)!" Another person next to me spoke. I looked over at them, probably whoever (y/n) was's parent based on features. I looked back to (y/n). They looked absolutely giddy.
"I chose gardevoir because they are said to be very devoted to their trainers, I even heard of one making a black hole to save their trainer!" (Y/n)'s parent said.
"Ehh hehe.. is that really safe?" (Y/n) asked, less enthusiastic than before.
"Oh it's probably fine," (y/n)'s parent simply brushed off.
"Talk to er'!" They said.
"T-talk to it? Will It even understand?" (Y/n) asked.
I activated my telepathic abilities,
'Yes, yes I will understand.' I told them.
They stared at me, blinking in surprise.
"Uhh... s-sorry..." (y/n) said.
'It's fine, most people don't really talk to their pokemon.' I thought to them.
"Well... uhh.. want a tour or something?"
'Ok, I guess,' I thought, following them as they walked off.
Thanks for reading, don't forget to comment and vote this story if you liked it. See you next time.

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