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"Marie, would you join us in the dining room?" Marie's attention shifted away from the canvas in front of her, to the doorway where Carlisle was standing. He was still dressed in his work clothes, only missing his white lab coat. The pit in her stomach that had been growing since that morning only grew further. Carlisle had called shortly before eleven, there had been an accident at the high school. An icy parking lot and an absentminded teenage boy had nearly led to Isabella Swan's death.

Though, Edward had jumped in to save her, and because of him she was nearly completely unharmed. Ever since the call, Esme and Marie had barely spoken, they both knew what was coming after school let out. And when Carlisle left work nearly five hours early to come home and wait, their suspicions were confirmed. It was time to make a decision, as a family, about Isabella Swan. Though Marie hated the idea that the decision would be left to anyone but Edward.

"I don't like this." Marie left her easel where it sat, crossing the room to join Carlisle at the doorway. "I won't be apart of it."

"But you must." Carlisle laid a hand on Marie's shoulder, starting to lead her out into the hall. "For Edward." Marie knew he was right, but that didn't mean she had to like it. A few seconds later the pair had gone from the third floor hallway to the dining room on the ground floor. Esme was already waiting, already in her seat and nervously fiddling with her wedding ring. Carlisle took his place at the head of the table and took Esme's hand, laying their hand on the table between them.

"Please sit, Marie." Marie had been considering just running back up to her room, but Esme's sad words stopped that thought in it's tracks. Instead, Marie stood in place and waited. Five minutes later, and with no one in the room having moved an inch, they could hear the distant sound of tires turning onto gravel. Finally, Marie moved. She sat one down from Carlisle on the other side of the table from Esme. The empty seat to her left that belonged to Edward felt like a black hole. Her usual chair was at the very end of the table, opposite Carlisle, but it felt wrong at this moment.

The silence that filled the dining room extended outside as the car finally stopped. None of her siblings spoke a word as they entered, their emotions relatively evident on their faces. Just as she'd expected, Edward sat down in the empty seat to her left. She looked at him, and was surprised to see determination in his expression. It then dawned on her what his position in the obviously oncoming battle was. Rosalie harshly pulled her chair out, drawing Marie's attention away from Edward.

The rage practically flowed off of Rosalie as she sat down, crossing her arms across her chest tightly and never letting her glare leave Edward. Emmett sat next to Rosalie with no hesitation, though he didn't look as sure in his feelings as Rosalie did. Jasper didn't sit, instead taking to leaning against the wall behind Rosalie. Alice was far away, more than likely not thinking as she plopped down next to Esme and across from Marie. For a few agonizing moments, the room was still and silent. And then Edward took a deep breath, and all eyes were on him.

"I'm sorry." He looked first at Rose, then Jasper, then Emmett. "I didn't mean to put any of you at risk. It was thoughtless, and I take full responsibility for my hasty action."

"What you mean 'take full responsibility'?" Rosalie questioned. "Are you going to fix it?"

"Not the way you mean." Marie could hear the strain in Edward's voice as he kept his tone level. "I was already planning to leave before this happened. I'll go now..." He paused for a just barely detectable moment. "The situation will resolve itself."

"No." Esme murmured as if only he could hear her. "No, Edward."

"It's just a few years." Edward leaned across the table, patting Esme's hand.

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