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"Please don't leave." Alice's voice filled Marie's ears before she even heard the door open. It closed just as quickly, and Alice was standing in front of where Marie had sat down just minutes ago.

"What are you talking about?" The words came from Marie's mouth without much thought. Of course, though, Marie and Alice knew exactly what Alice was talking about. "Alice, I..."

"At least give me a reason."

"I..." Marie couldn't put a single feeling she was experiencing into the proper words. She was sure there wasn't any. "I don't know what to tell you. I can't explain how it feels to see Bella and Edward together. I can't explain how it felt to see the way she looked at him. And as much as I love him, and I have faith that he can avoid my mistakes, I can't stay." For the first time ever, Alice understood what Edward meant by saying Marie was the only vampire who could get teary-eyed.

"Well...if you're sure." Alice couldn't argue, not about this. As much as she wanted Marie to stay, it wouldn't be fair to ask. "Tell me before you leave."

"I will." Marie nodded. Alice lingered another moment or two before leaving Marie's bedroom. Marie sat back, leaning her head against the window with a sigh.


"I think I've had my most brilliant idea yet." Augustine piped up, her voice coming from the mass of sheets and blankets on their bed. Marie looked over from where she was sat next to the window reading, placing her book on her legs.

"What is it, love?" Marie asked. Augustine sat up, her hair a mess of frizz and waves.

"We should move to America!" Augustine's smile beamed.

"What gives you that idea?"

"Well, Paris is quite boring." Augustine labored an overdramatic sigh. "And I've been reading about New York City in the paper. It sounds like best city in the world."

"Well, I read in the paper that Americans were the most uncivilized of the civilized world. Both sound like quite the exaggerations, no?"

"That does, yes, but I don't doubt that New York is any less than they say." Marie still didn't seem convinced. "Let's at least visit!"

"I don't think I could survive the months long boat trip." Marie ended the conversation there, picking her book back up.


The sunlight that had been warming Marie's back was gone when she opened her eyes again. The clouds had set in, and the house was entirely silent. Marie's good memories were replaced with the events of Bella's visit playing on repeat in her mind. It wasn't long before she had a bag packed, a note written, and, with a final look around the house, she was gone.

 It wasn't long before she had a bag packed, a note written, and, with a final look around the house, she was gone

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hey,,,, sorry i took a two month break lol

it wasn't planned but my brain just kinda stopped having ideas for pretty much everything that i'd been working on and only now did this chapter come to me so i could get it out to y'all

that being said, this is the beginning of the real shit (aka leah, i swear she'll show up soon) so get ready!! fuck edward and bella, marie needs time to go be gay and sad alone for a while so she can return to forks to continue to be gay and sad but not alone

anyway pls don't hate me for taking forever i promise this book isn't dead

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