000 - survival

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THE MONTHS OLD leaves weakly crunched underneath their feet with each step, each one possibly drawing the attention of the biters which made them internally cringe

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THE MONTHS OLD leaves weakly crunched underneath their feet with each step, each one possibly drawing the attention of the biters which made them internally cringe.

Esmerelda held her breath as she stopped in her tracks to halt herself from running into her mom who had come to an abrupt stop after stepping on a stick that broke causing a loud echo into the vacant woods. Daniela held her pointer finger to her mouth, signaling for her daughter to be silent.

Esmie nodded in understanding as her gaze went down to her jeans that had a knife hidden into the front pocket of it. The young girl's hand grazed the top of it, but she didn't pick it up, seeing as her mom looked like she would handle it.

And as if Daniela had senses, she grunted as she stabbed the walker that was charging to that right side of her in the neck. It fell to the ground, on top of the stick that she had stepped on and broke in half, making it pierce through the stomach of the biter, blood gushed out immediately.

Daniela turned to Esmerelda with a beaming smile that could light up a room. Esmie couldn't help but slightly laugh due to her contagious smile, her head down turned down towards the ground before rolling her eyes with a scoff "Seriously."

"Come on now, Es. Who else can do that without shitting their pants." Daniela chuckled looking down with furrowed brows watching as she pulled the knife to her pants to wipe off the fresh blood.

"Jessica Alba." Esmerelda joked while she lifted her shoulder in a half shrug, finally moving her hand from the knife at her side.

Daniela lifted her head back up and turned her gaze to Esmie with crossed arms "Very funny, you were suppose to say "No one but you mom!"  She joked rising her voice an octave high "but I can't not agree with you there."

"Thank you, And I know right, I had recently found out that she's a black belt in taekwondo a few weeks ago.." The young girl continued trailing off to herself getting lost in her own thoughts on how a few weeks ago she was just worrying about silly little facts like those. She threw her messy braids over her shoulder and moved her baby hairs from her sweaty forehead before she jogged forward to her mom who was slightly ahead of her but was of course still listening.

The two had been surviving in the woods for approximately three days so far. The lack of food and water they have had has made them weaker. So far all they could find was the water from in the creeks, but no food except from the granola bars they had packed before it all started.

Luckily, Daniela had brought glass jars, which they filled with the murky water, but they had to be careful or else it would shatter.

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