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-Be sure to return that book on time kid.


The little boy took the book from the librarian turns back and starts going toward his room. The librarian looks at the boy with sympathetic eyes as the little boy he knew from long ago has changed drastically, the boy used to play with him his smile was a joy for him. But, now nothing but a wounded raven surrounded by many predators accepting its fate. The librarian can't do anything to help the boy just hand him the books he requires.

His train of thought vanished as he suddenly was grabbed by someone, he resisted but it failed successfully, the grip was hard but it didn't hurt him. He calms down and when he saw the one grabbing him making a 'be quiet' gesture, he could only utter these words.

-You all sure took your damn time.



Is the break already over? I believe there are still 5 minutes left, also it's midnight so it should be my sleeping time. Is it something urgent, In any case, I walked towards the white door until I hear another knock from it. The instructors once told me about the rules and system herethey told me many things including that they will knock only two times if it's more than two times then the danger is ahead. It's not like I'm afraid of anything, truth be told I don't feel anything. So how do I handle this situation, should I just simply go and open the door or should I prepare? Well, looking at this room it's nothing but a prison there's not even a bed here. I wonder why they even placed a door. vanishing my thoughts I just bluntly opened the door.

-Holy shit it's a kid, captain you need to see this.

they were adults more to say, they wore full black armor, fully armed. I once read in a book that swats and cops wear this armor when going on a critical mission. Cops, swats, army, all related to the government like that man is too. I can't jump to conclusions and they are heavily armed so it's best to not make a move.

Another figure comes and orders them to lower their guns, he looks at me doing the same but the difference is I can't see his face due to his mask. He brings his face closer to mine and only says one thing.

-You Ayanokouji Kiyotaka?

So she is a girl wait that's not important, so she is looking for me. I simply nod my head and the girl/captain just embraces me without saying anything. I simply stood there but I could hear her shivering a little, after some moments she broke the hug and one of the members of the squad says.

-I've already informed the HQ that we acquired the package.


-I know this is a sudden Kiyotaka-Kun but we are here to rescue you from this place.Rescue from this place, the white room what about that man won't he come after me if I run away?

-What about him?

-You mean your father, he will be brought to justice.

-That man is not my father, in any case as long as I can go away from this place and have my freedom I'll gladly come with you.


I'm pretty sure she was not expecting a child to talk like this, well she's not to blame any normal kid won't talk like this.


Things go pretty smoothly after that, I was taken to their HQ, and the captain or should I say Asuka-San is quite an emotional person, she became quite attached to me since that day. She saved me from those therapy sessions and helped me in going underground. Due to the inheritor of the name Ayanokouji, I have many connections and quite a money in the bank account.

Sure it's that man's money but since he got executed on many charges against them I was the only heir to inherit his belongings. The white room shut down and the kids got reunited with their parent's thanks to Asuka-San. Now that I think about it she's a woman with some good handy power.

I live in a normal apartment alone, and sometimes Asuka-San and her team come whenever they are free from work, and we hang out very often. She had become my guardian, it's been a year since I saw her. She's on working on a project that currently gives her zero free time,

we talk on smartphones and she always whines that how she misses me or that I should just ditch my school and come there.

Yes, I do go to school I have joined it recently, and I would be joining or transferring mid-semester, I like being alone but a friend or two won't hurt, right?


it seems my stomach is begging for food. I open the refrigerator and only Ice-Creams was there nothing but only ice cream of different flavors, hmm now that I think about it I have eaten nothing but ice cream this week.

-Being a billionaire sure has its benefits.

I got a stomachache that night...


So this is a school, I did come here before to give the interview but never saw this school up close. The uniforms are pretty meh, like why can't they have some good uniforms so a boy like me won't look like an umbrella?

I saw my class 1-A. I slid open the door and saw a black-haired girl sitting in the protagonist's seat, she was looking outside the window with her hand on her chin. The wind was gently swaying her long hair. The girl then slowly looks at me, her eyes were gradient red and they were so beautiful. She then takes a look at me then continues to look outside the window. On second thoughts why don't I just stay isolated? this looks too tiring. Anyways, I should just sit somewhere where I won't be seen much, saying that I sat beside her. I wait for some moments but it doesn't look like she's going to start a conversation.

-Hello I'm Ayanokouji Kiyotaka....nice to meet you...

Fuuu...I blew it, I facepalmed myself hiding the embarrassment.


Don't tell me she's laughing.

-you're laughing at me.

-I'm not.

-I did hear a laughing sound.

-It could be wind.

-Wind don't laugh.

-I didn't mean that.

This is tiring, my first day and I have already embarrassed myself, save me Asuka-San.

-You are the new transfer student?

Okay..I thought she would ignore me for the rest of my life, this means I gotta play it carefully.

-Yeah, actually to be honest I have been homeschooled my entire life so this is my first time attending a 


-That explains why your communication skills are zero.

-You...didn't have to say it that honestly...

She continues looking at the window ignoring my previous statement.

-Are you not going to tell me your name?

-Do I have any reason?

-I introduced myself so I think it's normal to introduce yourself too.

-You call that introduction.

-That too but anyways your choice I won't pressurize you.

Saying that I just looked straight contemplating my life's choices.



-Horikita Suzune, My name.

Horikita Suzune huh, guess this is going to be an interesting year...

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