CHAPTER ONE:Leaving home

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It had been eleven years since the death of Agent Kevin Coner. The city has become endangered by criminals. People have been going missing in New Jersey which is believed to be the work of the Outlaws.

Nancy Silverian wakes up from the annoying ringing of her alarm clock. She get up from bed punching the clock off the table.
"What a day" she said.
And indeed what a day it was for her. Nancy was a twelve year old gymasics player who loves different kinds of sport. She had blonde hair and she lived with her mum who was a surgeon. Her dad divorced her mum when she was four years. She had been depressed almost
her life until she met Clara when she
moved from United Kingdoms two years
"Nancy your gonna be late" her mum said as Nancy hurries to the bathroom to have her bath. She comes down and rushes her breakfast.
"I know mum"said Nancy.
"Nancy, you're getting bad grades again I thought I had warned you the last time to be more like your friend, Clara, if you don't do well they might take you to Class X" her mother said.
"Clara isn't doing her best in school either" Nancy said.
"Well be careful and tell your friend that too" said her mum.
"Don't worry mum I'll be fine" said Nancy as she remembered her teachers warnings."I'd best be off, bye mum" she waves and leaves for an exiciting day.
She hurries to school meeting her best
friend on the way.
"Hey Clara wait up" Nancy said as she hurries to meet her.
Clara Boofil is like Nancy with her bad grades but comes from a rich family unlike Nancy.She has a brown hair and is a year older than her. She loves soccer and is an international school player.
"Hey what's up girl you look down today" Clara said noticing the depressing look on her friend's face.
"I'm fine, it's just my mum again" Nancy said.
"What did she say this time" said Clara.
"She compared me to you" said Nancy in an irritated voice as she pointed at her best friend.
"You're saying it like it's a bad thing"said
Clara looking outragged.
"Well it is to me"said Nancy.
"Well, point taken" said Clara as they walk into the school building laughing.
Nancy and Clara both attend the same private schools thanks to Clara's parents. Clara's dad is the CEO of a rich Investment company while her mum is the CEO of a Tech company. Nancy's mum is a waitress.
"Yo Nancy sup" said a boy in a baseball outfit.
"Hi Harry how you doing" said Nancy as she waved but as she turned she bumped into her stepbrother, Toby.
"Watch where you going, loser" he said as he pushed her to the ground.
"I'm sorry I didn't see you there" said Nancy as she rolled her eyes sarcastically and was about to leave when Toby said;
"Don't use tone with me, just because dad
abandoned you" but as he ended his words
Nancy pounced on him, tackled him to the ground and began to fight him.
"Get of me you bitch!"he shouted.
"I'm gonna kill you" she shouted as she contuined to beat him up.
Two teachers had come to seperate them from the fight sending them off to class.
"Nancy are you crazy, you could have gotten suspended"Clara shouted at Nancy.
"Relax it wasn't that bad"said Nancy.
"It wasn't that bad!, you almost killed him, plus the whole school saw that"said Clara.
"Relax you worry too much" said Nancy as they stepped into the classroom to meet their teacher and two men there.
"Good morning Mrs Brit" said Nancy.
"You're late" said Mrs Brit
"Sorry ma'am" said Clara.
"Take your seats"said Mrs Brit much to the shock of the whole class. As Nancy and Clara sat down Mrs Brit contuined her announcement.
"Now as I was saying these two young gentlemen are here to recrute people to join class X and you also..."said Mrs Brit as she was interupted by one of the men.
"Thank you Mrs Brittany Edward, we will take it from here" he said.
"My name is Mr Mac and this is my collegue Mr Ed"said the second man.
"Now we all know why we're here, so Mr Ed if you please" said Mr Mac.
"Yes sir"Mr Ed said as he cleared his throat, brought out a piece of paper and began to read"If you here your name please endvour to stand up; Miss Millisa Ivan, Master Edward Francis, Miss Susuane Link, Master Edward Francis Kelvin John, Master Harrison Wayne, Miss Clarisa Boofil and Miss Nancy Silverian".
As the names ended, the class started murmuring. Some people in the classroom were so suprised. Yes, most were known as trouble makers but some were not.
" Tommorow you are to pack your belongings your bags and come to school, failure to do so would get you arrested, and I mean life imprisonment, and there will be no school tommorow"said Mr Mac as he and Mr Ed left.
Classes began right after, leaving the students shocked some of the students who were called wondered what to tell their parents escpecially Nancy and Clara. And the rest,who weren't called, rejoiced as there was no school Tommorow.
"My mum was right" said Nancy
"Mine too" said Clara.
The rest of the day went on, with rumours flying around. The day had ended quickly for Nancy and Clara. They went home preparing to hear the worst from their mothers.
"Nancy how was your day" said her mother as Nancy steped through the front door.
"Bad" said Nancy out of guilt.
"What do you mean" said her mum.
"I failed you, I got into class X" said Nancy as she began to tear up.
"It's gonna to be alright honey, you didn't fail me I believe in you" said her mum.
"Thanks mum" said Nancy who was still not convinced"I going to pack my bags".
Nancy woke up the next day and got ready to go to school, and no not to learn to be taken to class X. She got ready to leave and left without saying good bye.When she got to school she saw her step brother which wasn't a suprise to her.
"Hey Damian have you seen Clara" said Nancy as she walked up to a boy.
"Yeah, think she's at the back" said Damian.
Nancy went round on search of Clara and found her at the back.
"Hey Clara" said Nancy.
"Hi, so what did your mum say?"Clara asked.
" She was a bit disappointed at me"said Nancy.
"Mine too" said Clara.
After some minutes of wait, Mac appeared with another man.
"Good morning students" said Mr Mac"Now before we hed to our venue I would like for Mr Jullian make an announcement"
"Thank you Mr Mac, Today a lot of lucky people have been chosen to become agents and I per..."said Mr Jullian but he was interupted by the children's laughter.
"Quiet you rascals" Mr Mac shouted angrily"Does it look like he's kidding"
"Thank you Mr Mac, now like I was saying you have all been selected to become agents, any questions" said Mr Jullian.
"Sir"said Nancy as she raised her hands.
"Yes Miss Nancy Silverian" said Mr Jullian.
"Why are you forcing us to become something we might die for?" asked Nancy.
"What are you doing, Nancy stay quiet" murmured her friend.
"Well Miss Nancy it isn't by force if you don't want to join we can simply erase your memory, and you won't know a thing about yourself" said Mr Jullian.
"And why would you do that" said Nancy.
"Well it is because we've told you about our organization" said Mr Jullian.
"You guys are talking trash, first you told us to come to your stupid organization and now we can't leave" said Nancy as Mr Mac as he raises his hand to slap her across the face but was stopped by Mr Jullian and everyone gasped.
"Now, now, Mr Mac I'm sure there is no need for such violence" said Mr Jullian as he let go of Mr Mac's hand
"How dear she talk like that to you, sir" said Mr Mac.
Now Nancy knew she had almost gotten on his nerves and she now believed that they were not joking with their words so she did the first thing she could think of.
"I'm sorry sir" said Nancy as she tried her best to keep herself under control.
"You better be" said Mr Mac.
"Now as I was saying, today is the you become agents" said Mr Jullian.
"Now its time to go" said Mr Mac as they heard a loud sound from the blade of a helicopter. As soon as they heard the sound they were led outside to see four big fancy helicopters.
"I didn't know we were traveling in style" said Edward Francis, a boy with black hair and eyes.
"How come their rides are better than their attitudes" said Toby.
The students were led into the aircraft and they were taken on a long journey to Japan. It was indeed wonderful few for the students as there were rivers outside the borders of Japan. The view was so messy and mezmarizing it took some of their breath away. Nancy on the other hand, had started to miss her mom.
"Nancy isn't it just amazing" said Clara.
"Yeah it is" said the depressed Nancy.
"Oh come on cheer up" said Clara as she noticed the hurt look on Nancy's face.
"I know but do you think mom would ever forgive me ?" Nancy asked.
"I'm sure she would" said Clara.
They finally arrived at their destination on top of one of the buildings in Japan. On the building, there was a door which led to a window that over looked the whole of Japan. A woman had stood behind the counter awaiting their arrival.
"Well Mr Jullian you are back so early, how did it go ?" she asked.
"Wonderful, can they be taken to their respective rooms" said Mr Jullian.
"Yes Sir, Ok right this way students" said the woman as she led them to a staircase.
"Thank you Miss Brittany" said Mrs Jullian
"You're welcome, watch your step, careful, don't slip" she said as they made it down the stairs.
They finally made it to the next room. Nancy was nervous and didn't know how to react to the fact that she had been to the Japan before but had not seen this side of Japan before.
"Beautiful isn't it" said a guy who was beside Nancy.
"Yeah it is a very nice place" said Nancy.
"Sounds as if you've been here before" he said.
"Well I have" she said as her best friend called for her "Well I best be going".
"See you around" he said as she went to meet her best friend.
"You guys look so cute together" Clara said as she began to taunt Nancy.
"No we don't, besides I just met him" said Nancy.
"Well it's love at first sight then" said Clara.
"Oh please stop you're giving me a headache" said Nancy as she felt as like she was turning red from embarrassment.

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