In Hye

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I thought I was the only one slightly excited for our new sister, but then In-joo was telling us about the lunch she had with Luna. I smiled at her small excitement about some of the things she learned about her and I was proud of unnie. But In-kyung only kept silent and barely said anything. I knew she would be the last one to get attached to Luna.

Though, I'm still trying to get used to another sister. It is a little weird sometimes. It's always been just me and my sisters. Us against the world. Now the world has given us another person for the team. Well, not just Luna but also Jongho. I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up being my future brother-in-law. That thought also scares me.

For now, I have decided to live in the moment. Life is too short. It's what I've learned from my new unnie. So I do my best at my job and go out on walks with Grandfather when I don't work. I also study English and make sure to have a letter ready for Hyorim. I read her last letter with quiet giggles as she reacts to my story about Luna.

Wow, In-hye! I can't believe this is happening! I wish I could meet her! She must be as beautiful as In-joo if she has Unnie's face. By the way, a boy asked me out the other day. He brought me flowers and everything. He's one of the new boys from my neighborhood. I've been giving him painting lessons. He's nice. I think something good could happen. So I said yes! I'll be going on a date with him this weekend.

How about you? Have you met anyone over there? I bet there are a lot of cute boys over there. If you have, could you try to draw him or take a picture of him?!

My mind took me to Cheong-san. I shook my head with a smile and started to write a letter about Cheong-san.

I haven't been able to draw him, but I'll try this week. I have to start shopping for new clothes for school! I wish you were here at my new school. I hope I get to make friends quickly. Keep me updated about your new boyfriend. Miss you!

I seal the envelope and put it in my pocket so I can drop it off after work. I start to step out to go to work since In-kyung decided to walk me to work today. She waits for me at the front porch and she sweetly puts an arm around my shoulders as we start down the street together.

"How's work going? Do they pay well?"

"Yup. I'm saving up for school shopping. When can we go, unnie?"

"Soon. When do you start?"

"In a few weeks, I think. I'll have to ask Cheong-san."

"You and Cheong-san seem to be close. Is he a good friend?"

"Yes. He's silly and weird sometimes, but he's kind."

"That's good." She's quiet and I notice that thoughtful look of hers. Something has been on her mind these past few days. I wouldn't be surprised if she's bothered about Luna. My guess was not wrong when she says, "Have you talked to Luna, In-hye?"

"I talked to her the other day. Unnie said she's coming for dinner soon."

"Mm...What has she talked about with you?"


"I'm just asking."

I'm quiet and try to understand her firmness. "Nothing much. She was asking about jobs. She's not that talkative anyways."

"Mm. I've noticed."

I do a small scoff. "You've only talked to her once, unnie."

"She just seems the type. careful with her. With everyone, okay?"

"What's going on, unnie? Are you jealous?"

"What?!" She laughs. "Why would I be jealous? I'm being cautious for your own safety."

A Day in Another World: Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now