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I have a nightmare. No. Some of it is a memory.

I find myself back on the dark streets of Busan. I'm wearing the same outfit I wore when I got out of prison. The stupid bunny sweater and I had my short, dark orange hair. I ran my head through my hair and it felt so real.

I began to walk down the same path I had been when I walked out of prison. I had a cigarette in between my fingers and my stomach rumbled furiously. A stabbing pain interrupted my pain of an empty stomach and I put a hand on my abdomen with a groan.

It was here where Mr. Jeong found me. I was going to steal from him but he put me to the ground. Yet, instead of Mr. Jeong taking my arm, a familiar, strong hold takes me and drags me to a familiar alleyway. There's no light but the moon who kept betraying my name. This large man takes me by the arms no matter how hard I fight out of his hold and drops me onto the concrete floor.

The air leaves my lungs and I'm left frozen when I see the features of the gang leader I shot. The bullet hole still shows on his chest and head as he leans closer to me. I have the urge to scream for help, but I can't seem to make a single sound as his deep voice says, "You thought you were done with me? You're very wrong, my sweet bunny. I'm coming for you. I have an army everywhere. There will be nowhere to hide. I'll find you and I'll put a bullet in your heart!"

My eyes grow wide and I scream, but a hand from behind covers my mouth. All I hear are muffled screams and his loud laughter. Tears stream down my cheeks and I beg for help. I scream for Mr. Jeong. For In-joo...

Then I wake up with a start. Despite waking up from that nightmare, I don't find peace as the excruciating pain begins to appear again. I look around at the new room I'm in. I look for any familiar faces but I find none. I begin to panic and my body shakes as the pain grows.

I see a nurse passing by my room and I frantically call to her. She doesn't hear me. Tears begin to stream down my cheeks as new beads of sweat fall. The pain feels like it crawls in an ominous manner; ready to jump on me and choke me. Before it gets to that, I try to find my sisters. I call out to them but no one comes. Loneliness suddenly takes hold of my heart and crushes it. I begin to sob and I let the pain take me now.

I wish it could end. I wish it could all end. I can't fall asleep because I'll be tortured in my dreams. I can't wake up because my body will be the consequence of my actions.

Can someone just kill me already?

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps makes hope whisper to my ears. The warmth of a touch makes me open my eyes and see In-joo. I begin to cry because her presence makes all my fear and those torturing thoughts disappear.

"It's okay," she says with quivers. "I'm here. We're all here."

I try to find the strength to speak up, but the pain is incredible. It's like someone is ripping my insides out and crushing my abdomen. I feel so pathetic. I wish I could tell In-joo how much I need her by my side, but all that comes out are cries of pain.

"Does it hurt? I bet it hurts so much..." I cry even more at the sweet feeling of her fingers running through my hair. I feel like I'm five years old when I craved this same love. I find her shining sad eyes and I reach out to her. She takes my hand and sweetly says, "Yes I know. I know. It'll all be over soon. It'll all be gone."

Because I'll be gone...

I sniffle and cough. She puts a hand on my back and says, "Do you want water?" I shake my head and she says, "How can I help you? Tell me how to make the pain go away."

There's no way. All I want is for her to hold me. But I can't seem to say anything. This pain has put a hand over my mouth just like that dream. My heart begins to race and a nurse comes in. She says to me, "We will wait a few minutes until another dose of morphine, okay?"

I shake my head. The nurse lets her head fall to one side in confusion. "No? You don't want morphine?"

"W-what's going on?" In-joo says as she looks behind her.

I suddenly see a woman in a corner of the room approach my bed. Her high heels clack against the floor and she crosses her arms on her chest. Her expression softens when she translates to In-joo.

In-joo looks at me and says, "If you are in pain, morphine will help you."

I shake my head and finally find the strength to weakly say, "I'm scared. He's in my dreams. I can't sleep..."

In-joo furrows her brows but she continues to run a tender hand down my head. "You have nightmares?" I nod and she says, "I'll be here. I'll wake you up."

I shake my head as I close my eyes. Cold tears quickly run down my cheeks and just continue to sob from the pain. I hear the translator woman tell the nurse that I no longer want morphine and the nurse leaves. I barely hear the woman walk out to give space for In-kyung and In-hye to come in. My heart sobs when I open my eyes and see all my sisters there.

This is exactly what I've been dreading. It hurts more to see them cry.

In-hye comes to sit next to me and says in a quivering voice, " have to fight. You can't go yet. I can't lose you, too. Please..."

She lets her head fall and I wish I could pretend to be okay. I wish I could continue lying to myself that I have no pain. But my body has betrayed me and I can't hold in the pain anymore. I put a hand on hers and try my best to give her a weak smile.

"I promise that I'll fight. I always do."

She does a sad smile and I lift up her chin. She lets me hold her cheek before In-kyung comes up next. She also sniffles as she fights back new tears. Her eyes are red and watery as she strongly takes my hand.

"Unnie...I'll do everything in my power to save you. If I have to sell my soul, I will."

I can't help but scoff and it makes a sharp pain run up my stomach. I wince and look at her determined eyes so I can find the strength to say, "I wish I could be as strong as you. Thank you."

But there are fights that are meant to be left alone. There won't be a winner at the end. Only death is the winner...

The hours pass by and the pain grows stronger. I avoid morphine at all costs but I begin to throw up because of the pain. My body shakes and I hear the doctor say, "The only solution here is surgery. We need to take out her uterus. It's the only way, Ms. Oh. She will die if she doesn't get this surgery."

"Then tell him to do it!" I hear In-joo yell among my cries. I twist and turn and I see the woman from before translating to the doctor.

I suddenly notice a tall man in my blurry vision. His firm voice resonates in my screaming mind as he tells the doctor to do the surgery because all the costs are paid for.

My heart begins to grow tired and my mind becomes foggy. My eyelids turn heavy despite the burning sensation all over my abdomen. I am taken out of my fainting state when I feel In-joo hold my hand. In-kyung starts to argue with this tall man. In-hye sobs by my side and I wish I could tell her to go.

I don't want them to remember me like this...

My heart urges for Mr. Jeong. I grow frantic at the thought that they aren't here. I look for air and whisper, "Mr. Jeong...Mr. Jeong..."

"What?" In-joo softly asks.

I swallow down my dry throat and weakly say, "You need to tell him 'thank you.' Mr. Jeong."

In-joo's sad face is blurry in my vision. She kisses my cheek and says, "You will tell them yourself. Just fight a little bit longer."

The last thing I hear is In-kyung's determined voice, I feel In-hye's soft hand, and I see myself. I see what could have been me if I was in another world. The face of my twin makes me smile instead of bubbling with hate because it's like seeing the life I've always wanted. The beauty I could have had. In a way, I lived all that through her. I'm not angry about that any more...

That's enough for me to let my tired muscles give out and close my eyes. As much as my mind tells me to continue fighting for them, my exhausted heart decides to give up.

But that's okay. I'm not alone this time.

A Day in Another World: Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now