Meet up

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"Bradley I can't keep covering you like this" the principle said.

"I know mom"

Oh yeah I forgot to mention the principle  Is Bradley's mom what a coincidence and his dad also happens to be the sheriff of our town yeah probably could basically get away with murder. He's never gonna get expelled or arrested! Why does the one bully's parents literally have to be my principal and my sheriff if I get the chance to move away or to go to a new school I'm taking it as soon as possible.

" you go in my office, and you 2 come with me"

You could just hear the annoyance in her voice. When we got to the library where detention was hosted there was a girl sitting at the table already she had a red long hair that was tied into a spiky ponytail and she had curtain bangs which covered most of her face. She was wearing Y2K flare jeans and a very tiny black cropped top. She was really pretty but she looked disappointed to see that there was new comers.

" So that you guys can be more socially positive instead of arguing we are going to play a game where you introduce yourself, name 3 things about yourself Now I'm gonna sit here and watch to make sure you guys follow my instructions and then I'm going to lock the door and leave you guys in here until detention is over.

" wow that's the first time I've ever heard that" the red head sarcastically.

" Let's start with you" she said pointing at me.

" OK well my name is Valerie Gomez and..I like to read I really really like cats and I'm very hyper." I stated

" Thank you Valerie now... you boy over there."

"Me?" Noah asked confused.

" Well obviously you're the only Dang boy here."

" I'm Noah Diaz And I play the guitar I also like books and  I don't like being active"

"And you little cricket it's your turn"

"Ugh whatever I'm Jodie Grover and I also like to read, I don't like people and I hate school"

" I said positive but whatever, you all seem to have a liking towards books so I'm going to leave you guys here and how about you guys talk about.... Books" principle said as she left.

" Have you guys read that book called Dead with a spark.?" Noah asked

Suddenly Jodie's grumpiness faded she jumped out of her chair and she suddenly looked very happy to talk about whatever this book was.

"Omg duh it's like the best book ever I've been dying for them to come out with the next book!" Jodie squealed

" I think I've read a bit about it Is it the one where the girl's mom dies so she jumps off  A bridge and survives But her soul like dies And she meets this really like happy guy and it's just like really good, is that the one?!" I ask.

"Yep , So why are you guys even here you don't look like the type to get in detention" Jodie asked.

" OK so this guy named Bradley you've probably heard of him hes like so popular he stole Noah's book so I grabbed a juice Box and poured it all over his head and then he pushed me and then noah punched him and then even though he started it all he got off the hook and me and Noah are in detention what about you."

" I was skipping class with my friend and she was smoking in the bathroom so I already got trouble for skipping class but not only that the teacher thought I was smoking so I just took the blame now I'm gonna be in here for a long time but I'm lucky I didn't get expelled."

"Wow damn" Noah said.

" Why would you just take the blame you could have got expelled and maybe even arrested for smoking underage which you didn't even do. You should go and confront the principal right now you could have gotten into a lot of trouble I don't know why you would take the blame for that, it's immature even though they are your friend"

" She just had a lot of problems going on at home I didn't want to make anything worse but you're right maybe I should go talk to the principal it's not like she asked me to take the blame I just willingly did it for no reason I guess I'm kind of used to being in detention all the time it doesn't really bother me anymore."


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