00 Kingslayer

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The boy heard the dagger hit the floor.

When he heard the ring of metal on stone, his blood ran cold turned, and he turned, the king slipping off of his sword as he did so.

His eyes widened at the sight of a small figure, in a white cloak, shaking at the sight she had just witnessed.


Her voice was quiet, almost disbelieving, but her eyes were huge, golden, different emotions swirling within them, accusations toward him, and something else entirely.

She had seen what happened, had witnessed it all silently.

"What are you doing here?"

It was as if time had stopped, both of them frozen in their respective spots.

She was the first one to snap out of it and ran toward him, leaving her dagger on the floor.

"You have to get out of here."

She pushed him, trying to lead him toward the doors.


He looked at her, bewildered and perhaps frightened.

"You killed the king, and you are a member of the Kingsguard. Don't you know what they will say about you?  What they will do..."

She tried to push him again.

"Get out of here, go..."

She gasped for breath, as if in panic.

"The Princess."

The boy's eyes widened at the thought.

"Your father, he will send his men to kill her children.  Jaime, Please.  GO!"

She had bowed her head, tears already escaping her, "I'll follow, just go."

He nodded, almost numbly, as a stone settled in his heart. 

He started to run toward Maegor's Holdfast, hoping that he would not be too late, but knowing that he would be.

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