Chapter 1. Introducing

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3rd person P.O.V 

(A/n: Some chapters I will name like this one but others will be just 'Chapter' and it's number.)

Mumbles could be heard from inside the changing room. Inside was the Shiratorizawa volleyball club getting ready for afternoon practice. School had just ended so it was time for afternoon practice. They got changed out of their school's uniform and put on shorts and t-shirts to practice in. When they finished changing, they all headed to the gym to start practice.

"You have the keys, right Semi?" Their captain asked turning around.

"Yup." Semi took out the keys from his pocket and walked to the door. He was about to unlock the door but it seemed to already be unlocked. "It's already unlocked.." Semi looked back at everyone. He then opened the door and saw the last person he thought he'd ever see. "Rio?" It seems that the girl hadn't noticed him yet but when he called her name, she definitely noticed.

"Eita? Eita!" The girl known as Rio ran straight to Eita with a giant smile on her face. They shared a long hug.

"Rio what are you doing here?!" Eita asked with an excited tone.

"I moved back here today!" Rio was looking at the taller male with a giant smile on her face.

"How didn't I know? Never mind that, I can't believe it's really you!"

They hugged once more and it seems Eita had forgotten about the rest of the team. They stared at the two who were hugging.

"So Semi, who's the girl?" One of the boys finally decided to speak up. It was Tendo.

"Right. Guys, this is my sister, Rio."

Everyone just continued staring, questioning the words that just came out of the ash blonde's mouth.

"I never knew you had a sister, and I've known you for three years." Tendo has been friends with Semi since their first year in high school, so it would make sense that he would know if Semi had siblings. 

"You never told anyone about me?!" Rio looked at her brother with slight hurt in her eyes.

"Well how about you tell them about yourself and they will to you?" Semi suggested.

"Yeah no." Shirabu was about to walk away when Rio spoke.

"Hey I remember you! You were in third and fourth period with me! And fifth too!" Rio pointed at Shirabu and looked through the crowd of boys and spotted Taichi. "And you were the one who was always talking to Shirabu!" She pointed at the two of them.

"Oh! That was you!" Taichi said.

"I don't mind if we do a 'get to know you' during today's practice." Ushijima said, motioning for everyone to sit by the net. They did just that. "Would you like to start?" Their captain asked Rio.

"Yes I would. My name is Rio Semi and I'm a second year. I've just moved back here from the U.S. I lived their with mine and Eita's dad." Rio then whispered in her brother's ear, "Do they know about mom and dad separating and mom getting a wife?"

He replied with, "No, I've never told them all that."

Rio then continued with what she was saying. "You see, our parents separated and I went to live with our dad while Eita stayed here with our mom. They separated when Eita was four and I was three. Later on, dad got a girlfriend and got married to her. She already had six kids and I couldn't take it anymore so dad and mom arranged for me to move back here. That's why you guys haven't really seen me before." 

"Yeah. And our mom got married as well. She got married to a woman with no kids. When mom told me that she had a girlfriend, I asked her what her sexuality was. Apparently since she was like ten she's been bisexual, so. Hey, Rio, are you gonna tell them more about yourself and not our parents?"

"...Yes. Um.. I'm single and lesbian. I don't know what else to say. How about you guys introduce yourselves now? But to make it short, you can say your age, grade, sexuality, if you want of course. But just small stuff like that, along with your name, obviously. How does that sound?"

Everyone agrees and they start. They all take turns talking about themselves and once they are done, they practice with whatever time they have left.

(A/n: You can make their sexuality's whatever you want in your head.)

When they have finished practice they get ready to go home. Rio and Eita walk home together and talk along the way. When they get home they unpack and go up to their rooms to chill for a while. When Eita goes to his room, he gets a message from Tendo. It read: 'You have been added to the group chat "Idk what to name this"'.  

Sorry for all the author's notes.

This is the first story I've written on Wattpad.

Sorry if it's bad.

I just thought of this a while ago and wanted to share it.

Hope you're having a good day!

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