Chapter 4. Height

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3rd person P.O.V

It had been a day since the whole incident with Semi and Shirabu. The Shiratorizawa boys were in the gym, but not for practice. They didn't have practice so they wanted to just hangout. And of course, what better place then the gym? All for themselves, no annoying classmates, nothing but them. But, it wasn't easy to get the gym to just hangout.

Idk what to name this





Im the ReAl Hisoka changed Spikey-spikes to Hedgehog looking ass-

Hedgehog looking ass-🦔

Really Tendo, really?

Im the ReAl Hisoka👺



Nvm that, what is it Yamagata?

Hedgehog looking ass-🦔


I need to talk to Ushijima


What is it Yamagata?

Hedgehog looking ass-🦔

Can we use the gym after school?

But like not for vb


I can ask coach

Then I'll probably have to ask the principle

Hedgehog looking ass-🦔


Yamagata P.O.V

I was bored in class, thinking about going home after school. I realized that I wouldn't actually be able to do anything interesting at home except for using my phone. Wait do I have practice today? I asked myself. No, okay. Wait, what about the gym? I could relax there with the rest of the team! Shit, I'll have to ask Ushijima though. Then he'll have to talk to the principal, And maybe coach too.

(Insert him shrugging his shoulders irl)

We'll see. Since we were still in class, I wasn't sure if he'd respond. I hid my phone from the teacher and texted the group chat. After a few seconds, Tendo answered. Well, he didn't really answer, he just came online and changed my name in the group chat. Then Shirabu texted and I told him I needed to talk to Ushijima. Then, Ushijima came online and I asked him about the gym. He said he'd ask and I guess the principal and coach said yes because now I'm in the gym, on my phone, hanging out with friends.

3rd person P.O.V     

All of the teammates were in the gym hanging out together. Plus, of course, Rio. Taichi saw Yamagata standing against the wall. He was on his phone, scrolling through some app and laughing quietly every now and then. Taichi walked over to Yamagata, being obviously taller than the latter.

"What'cha looking at?" He asked him, genuinely curious about what was so funny to the shorter male.

Yamagata quickly pressed the screen of his phone to his chest, replying with, "Nothing."

"Well it's obviously not nothing when you've been laughing at it for days now." Taichi snapped back.

It was true, Yamagata had been looking at this 'thing' for almost a week. And what Taichi was talking about was only when he'd been at school. Whenever he got the chance, Yamagata would whip out his phone and continue looking at whatever it was he was looking at.

Yamagata sighed before saying, "I'm just reading."

"Well what exactly are you reading?" Taichi replied, as soon as Yamagata had finished his sentence.

"...Stuff." Yamagata's hesitant reply caught Taichi off guard.

"...Is it..y'know.." Taichi started. "Adult stuff?"

"Wh-NO!!!" Yamagata screamed. Luckily, no one else heard him. Well, except for Taichi.        

The ginger haired boy chuckled.

While laughing still, he managed to say something. "Well then what are you reading?"


A few seconds passed and Yamagata still didn't answer. Taichi then took the phone from the brown haired boy's grasp and lifted it up as high as he could, far out of reach from the older boy.

Although Yamagata is older than Taichi, he is the shorter of the two. Yamagata being five foot eight, and Taichi being six foot two.

"Hey-" Yamagata reached his arm as far as he could, but he couldn't reach his phone. He brought his arm back down and made a pouty face.

"Don't give me that face! Just tell me what you were reading and I'll give your phone back, okay?"

Yamagata let out a huff. "Fine!" He inhaled deep and continued. "I was reading a story on Wattpad."

What he said was more of a whisper, so, Taichi leaned forward and placed his free hand on his ear. "I'm sorry, what was that? I couldn't really hear you, could you speak up?" He said that in an annoying tone and Yamagata was a little embarrassed. Embarrassed or not, Yamagata repeated what he said a little louder.

"I said, I was reading a story on Wattpad." This time Taichi heard him loud and clear.

The taller one passed the phone to it's rightful owner and leaned back, Yamagata's slight blush not going unnoticed by the him.

"Was that so hard for you to say?"

"Whatever." Yamagata realized he was pressed up against the wall with the second tallest person on the team in front of him, possibly, no, definitely, making fun of him. "I-I'm gonna go now." Then Yamagata rushed to the other side of the gym.

After Yamagata left, Shirabu walked over to where the other second year stood, he was looking at Yamagata.

"What was that all about?" Shirabu asked. "Are we making fun of our crushes now?" Shirabu smirked looking up at Taichi.

"He is not my crush." He responded, putting emphasis on 'not'.    

"Stop denying it."

"I'm not denying anything."

"Oh really?" At this point Shirabu was done with his best friend.

"Y'know Shirabu, you're one to talk."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"You know exactly what it means."


Rio saw the whole thing go down between Taichi and Yamagata. Damn. Does everyone on this team have a crush? Rio thought to herself. Eh. I am too so. She walked over to where her brother was, just to annoy him, like any good sibling would.

The last sentence is a shout out to my sister😗✌


I might not be posting too often 'cause of school so sorry about that. I just don't have as much time in my day now that it's not Christmas break anymore😥

You don't have to but, I would like to know how you are liking the story so far, so maybe tell me in the comments? If you want?

Any who, hope you're having a good day! And I hope you enjoyed this chapter ;-; || I had a lot of fun writing it! || BYE!!!

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