Chapter 3. Not my Fault

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Kenjiro Shirabu P.O.V

We played different games in the group chat but I noticed Semi was offline. I asked Rio where he was but she didn't know. Then Rio suggested we come over to her place and we all wanted to so we picked a good time for everyone, seven fifteen pm. I went, mainly because Rio and Tendo REALLY wanted me to for some reason.

I still had two hours before I had to be there, so I decided to work on some homework and then continue studying for an upcoming test. By the time I finished, I was really tired. I was also tired from practice. I was about to go to sleep when I remembered that I had to go to Rio's house. I got ready to go and showed up exactly at seven fifteen. Everyone arrived under two minutes of me being there. About three minutes later, I got extremely tired and couldn't take it anymore, so, I told Rio and she said she didn't mind me sleeping in her bed.

I was so tired that I forgot which room she said was hers and I walked into a random one. I didn't look around the walls or anything to see if it would be someone else's, I just plopped right onto the bed, curled up into a ball and fell asleep. A few minutes of sleeping later, I felt someone shaking me.

"Hm?" I slowly open my eyes and looked up. As I look up I feel someone push my bangs to the side. I finally see who it is and I can feel my face heat up a bit. "Semi?"

"Hey. You do know this is my room right?"

I paused, then it hit me, I've been sleeping on Semi's bed. I hear a little chuckle come from him, probably from the lack of response he got. Then he smiled, like a genuine smile. It was so beautiful, I wanted to look at it forever. Pretty... what? No! What am I thinking?! I sat up on the bed and walked to the door but before I could leave, Semi grabbed my arm.

"Wait, can we talk?" He said, that same smile still plastered on his face.

Eita Semi P.O.V       

"Semi?" I hear the younger say.

"Hey. You do know this is my room right?" I say. I thought he would've guessed by the drawings and  the literal guitar in my room. He didn't answer, so I just smiled and gave a small chuckle. He then got up and tried to leave but I grabbed his arm before he reached the doorknob. "Wait, can we talk?" I asked him. I carefully pulled him onto my bed and we both sat down. "Why were you sleeping on my bed? I just left my room." He opened his mouth to answer but was cut off by the door bursting open.


"What's going on here??" Asked my sister, as she barged into my room.

"Um.." I started, not knowing exactly what to say.

"Shirabu I thought I told you which room was mine???" Rio said, more confused then she needed to be. I was too confused.

'My room', she implied. I was so confused, I didn't know what she meant, "Uhh.. what?" I looked at my sister, then to Shirabu, and continued going back and forth.

"Oh my god, Eita stop moving your head! He was tired so I told him he could sleep in my bed."

Shirabu looked at me and nodded his head 'yes'.

"Then why were you in my bed?" I asked, visibly confused.

"Yeah, why were you?" Rio looked at Shirabu and so did I. I could see a reddish-pink color form on his face.

"Well it's not my fault, you see, I was really tired and I didn't remember which room you said was yours so I went in this one and didn't even look around and, yeah. I just fell asleep."

"Oh okay! I'm gonna head downstairs now." Then she walked away, closing the door behind her. Leaving me and Shirabu alone.

"You can sleep some more if you want." I said. I really didn't mind him sleeping in my bed.

"That's okay. I'll just go home and get some rest." He left the room and headed downstairs. I heard muffled voices and then the front door closing. It was probably Shirabu leaving.

Rio Semi P.O.V  

"Oh okay! I'm gonna head downstairs now." I walked out of my brothers room, closing the door behind me. Oh my god they totally like each other! Let's see if they get anywhere! I wonder who will make the first move, ahhh!

Sorry the chapter's kinda short.

I'm trying to get to the part where Rio starts taking things into her own hands but you'll have to wait a few more chapters.

Hope you're having a good day! :D

Also I do not proof read these, I only reread bits while I'm writing to remember some key parts or what I was writing in general.

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