An Open Road, An Open Heart

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Summary: I was returning home from a mission that forced me to ride with a certain red and blue semi. It wouldn't be a problem if my best friend/ex didn't cause my emotions to be frayed especially when said emotions were more focused on open road with a certain Autobot leader. Who knew that one event could lead to an open heart with unanswered feelings?

Warning: Rated M (alt-mode & mech/human sexual activity)


An Open Road, An Open Heart

I was returning to base from a mission that forced me to get separated from the team, but I was not alone. Oh, no. I was riding within the famous cabin of a certain Peterbilt, one that was actually the commander of a group of autonomous robotic organisms. While the thought was entertaining, I really didn't expect to be traveling back to base with Optimus Prime, the one mech I tried my hardest to avoid due to a split in my heart.

For close to three years, I was in a relationship with a certain soldier on base. We met before even all of this started, best friends both arriving at the base at different times. While I loved my friend, I was seeing a different side of him especially when I was alone.

Optimus always listened to me when he found me leaning against the hanger, a beer bottle in hand. He never questioned my relationship, but I knew within his deep blue optics that it bothered him. Before long, I was starting to wish my relationship was with the Autobot commander instead of my best friend.

The night we left for the mission, my boyfriend and I both got into a terrible fight. Our friendship was destroyed when he laid a hand upon me, leaving a bruise upon my thin body. Luckily, the clothing covered it up. He apologized and said he would never hurt me again. I could only smile through tears and continue on with the day.

Now, I was on the road with the one mech who caused my heart to rip in two. If only my desire to be with someone who would care about me wasn't that strong. I knew the Autobot leader cared for me, but I was not sure if that feeling was romantic or just platonic.

"You seem to be quiet. Is something bothering you," asked the Autobot leader, his smoky baritone voice drifting over my small frame, the blue hue of the radio flashing with his voice.

I shake my head, "No. Just thinking."

"About what, if you don't mind me asking. We do have some time before we are back at base."

"Probably not a safe topic," I mumble quietly.

The Peterbilt rumbles, a deep chuckle echoing into the cabin. "I don't think any topic we have is safe, don't you agree?"

My eyes widen, unsure exactly where Prime was going with the topic. I was sitting in the driver seat, my hand holding the bottom of the staring wheel. This wasn't my first ride in a big rig. My dad drove semi for living, leaving sometimes for long trips. He let me ride with him when he was home. Something about the rumble and power of the engine always brought a different feeling to me.

Now that feeling was developing into something more, but it might be because of my torn heart and the Autobot who was actually the semi.

"It's almost as if you are saying our conversations are downright dirty, hmm, Prime?" I joked with the Autobot commander. "Are you sure you are not the one thinking lewd topics?"

"No." I stared with a gasped expression upon my face at the dashboard, surprised by the action. Prime continued, "I know of your relationship. It would be wrong of anyone to interfere."

I sit back, kicking the long metal gearshift ignoring the deep growl of the engine as Prime controlled the speed and drifting of the huge vehicle. "You know nothing about my relationship."

Rose Petals (OP x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now