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Summary: You were an outsider accidentally getting involved with the Autobots. You had a secret relationship that became public. Words had hurt and caused you to doubt. However, a certain leader knew how to chase those doubts away by proving that you were his as much as he was yours.

Warning: Rated M (mech/human sexual content)



You tried to hold in a deep breath, hiding the emotions that wanted to spill through your eyes. The Director stood, arms crossed as he stared at the Bots and Major upon the catwalk. You didn't want Director Galloway to know how it felt, how the words he said caused trouble within your mind and heart.

Optimus Prime had started arguing back at the Director, defending you. He stated that the Director had no right to say such hurtful words to the one he loved. The Director started laughing again, saying that he had no right to even establish a relationship with a human being. It was just plain wrong.

Tears pricked and burned within your eyes as you continued your walk out of the hangar. A few of the soldiers saw your expression and wanted to find out what had happened, but you only shook your head. It wouldn't be wise to start up something. You were after all the outsider, the one random human that happen to fall asleep inside an Autobot. Higher Ups kept trying to get rid of you, but you had secretly started a relationship with the Autobot commander, and he demanded that you stayed going as far as keeping you hidden inside his quarters.

You thought there was nothing wrong with your relationship. Sure, the Autobots were made of metal instead of flesh, had processors for brains, pumps for hearts that cycled energon instead of blood. Movement came from pistons and cables replaced veins. However, that didn't matter. The Autobots had a soul or spark, a living breathing part of them. To you, the Autobots were just as human as you except with a different built.

Prime, though, he was different. His leadership quality had you hooked. He could dominate the floor with any enemy, command his team and lead with generosity that few humans could ever top. Plus, when he looked at you with his deep blue optics, it was easy to see why some nights you wish you could give yourself to him all the way.

Oh, there were times inside his quarters that Prime had you screaming his name, but all he did was use his glossa and dentas over your naked flesh along with his digits inside your wet heat. You and Prime never stepped that one line, and honestly, you didn't know if it was possible or not.

Plus, there was the talk about his rank. Optimus was a Prime, but that titled held more power. He was almost royalty, ruling a whole planet even if that planet struggled to live. Most of the femmes have talked to you, asking you about his title and if you understood the position that it would put you in. You voiced it once towards Optimus.

The look in his optics had made you stop asking. Instead, you kept some thoughts of it to yourself. Today, though, when Director Galloway started ramming you down with hurtful words especially when your relationship became public brought that conversation straight to your mind. Could you stay with Prime when he was a higher rank and you were just a plain human woman, an outsider?

Crossing your arms, you walked through the trees that surrounded the base. A small patch of land etched out before you before a sheer cliff dropped down to white sand and strong waves. The wind blew your hair over your shoulder. The salt dried the tears even as more appeared. You were only hear for a few minutes when a metal servo graced your shoulder.

Mass displacement was a new technology that Ratchet had developed. It helped when the Autobots needed to be smaller for certain missions. The technology was never forced on Optimus Prime. He was Prime and that alone allowed him to keep his height. However, when he was alone with you, that was when the technology was used the most.

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