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Summary: We were traveling, running away after some harsh news with no words from the others. Our drive, though, comes across a past time memory for me. We arrived at the remains of my childhood town and my house I grew up in. Memories stir feelings as I recall how once I was broken, but now I am repaired. Repaired because of love.

Warning: Rated G



The country side drove by as flashes where fields could be seen from green grass to herd of animals to fields plowed and ready. It was silent. I sat against the driver side window, watching as the wheel occasionally turned. The gearshift would shift unexpectedly with a change of speed.

The road reminded me of living in a small town, houses older than me. We used to live in a two-story house with wooden floors and open windows. The smell of a clean breeze after a rain shower would always bring a smile upon my mother's face.

The huge vehicle rolled to a stop. I looked outside the huge window and smiled sadly. Surprisingly, we had been traveling for some time with no stops. Who knew we would end up here? When the news hit, we all split. I went with him due to my close involvement and relationship. The rest departed in different directions. We didn't know if any of them had survived or not, the radio remained quiet throughout the whole travel.

"We need to stop. I need some recharge before we can continue," spoke the deep baritone of the commander. I smiled at the dashboard, patting it with a gentle affection.

"I know this place, Optimus," I replied softly with a smile on my face. "Drive carefully towards the back where one street remains."

The red and blue semi gently rolled into the town. Not much remain after a huge storm passed through destroying almost all it. A few buildings remained standing with some people trying to return. The road I told Optimus to take brought me pleasant memories. Majority of the houses saw the blunt of the storm as it ripped through the town pulling up trees, smashing windows, and tearing up roofs. The last road, though, somehow survived the destruction.

"Stop here," I called out to him, watching as the gearshift moved as he downshifted and finally braked.

"Where are we," he asked through the speakers.

I didn't reply. I opened the driver's door and stepped down before walking around the big rig. I heard the passenger door open as Prime stepped down in his human holoform. We stood before a two-story house. A few of the windows had boards over them. The wooden screen door still stood, but I could see that the main door was broken.

I walked up the broken sidewalk, Prime following behind. I opened the screen door and pushed the wooden door open. Everything stood the same inside. The long wooden stair case met us right at the door. To the left sat a big living room. The wooden floors looked to be in rough shape, but everything felt like the first day my family moved in. I walked through the living room, smiling as memories danced across my thoughts. We had plenty of Christmas mornings on the couch that would take most of the room.

The kitchen stood on the other side. It was small, but the dining room added more space and allowed us to have plenty of family meals. Connected behind the stair case sat a small bathroom. While everything looked rusted as if it hadn't been in use for many years, all the pieces of porcelain were still attached and unbroken.

Optimus watched me carefully as I walked around him and took the stairs one at a time to the top. On the right side held the master bedroom. Two other bedrooms were to the left. The main bathroom sat in the middle. I could see into the master bedroom. A single white curtain had been left, blowing gently in the breeze. I walked into the room. The cool colors and warm wooden tones always made this my favorite place to visit. Mother always loved having the windows open during spring and early summer. It was cool enough that we didn't have to run the old air conditioner that was finally added to the place.

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