Dedicated to @blubluelou
February 2nd 2014 // unknown time

Third Person POV

Ah, new trespassers... He chuckle quietly thinking of the last batch of victims that He had that got lured into this house of many secrets. "Mm, here perfect" he said in a harsh whisper. He takes a last look at the finished design... Seems about right. Another figure slips through the door.
"Daddy?" he asked
"Son. anything yet?"
"No" he replied to his 'father figure'

The man got up, planning punishment he grabs two belts.

"Sit down son, me and you are going to have a chat"

The younger boy gulps as he slowly moves to the chair, arms shaking. What is he going to do?

The older man walks up to the chair and commands the boy to place his arms on the rests. Wrapping the boys arm tightly, his hands have gone white. securing the belts the man quickly goes to grab his whip.

"Don't worry you compulsive swine, this wont hurt one bit you fuck-up"

And the crack of the whip was heard, blistering the boys skin. The younger boy winces at the pain, tears brimming in his eyes.

With each crack of the whip more and more insults are hurled at the poor boy. Tears roll down his face.

Once his 'father' had decided that enough was enough he dropped the whip and the anger that was formed on his face, turned to realisation. The older man paced back and forth along the room muttering curses and a couple of sorrys here and there.

"I-Im sorry son, it's the medication" was his excuse after a few minutes of pacing, but by that point...

It was too late


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